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Edited by Warrior: 2/18/2015 1:12:52 AM

Alpha of One Fate; The Worgen | Chapter 2 Hunting

[url=] Chapter 1 Dreaming of Black Home[/url] [b]Hunting [/b] Night had now decided upon the planet Venus. Once related to the goddess of love from old earth mythology, it is now a world of mystery and violence. To many it is the world ruled by the Vex. Some know it as the Tomb of the Ahamkara. To the Exo Guardian known as Worgen it was a hunting ground. The Hunter marched on through the dim night with a sniper rifle attached to his back. The barrel would occasionally drag across the mud as he moved along the tree roots and shadows. His cloak swayed in the warm wind midway down his back. Fabrics from the City made of the majority of this decorative article. However a split in the fabric resulted in a dramatic change in appearance. Pieces of Fallen cloaks had been weaved together by ribbons found in Vex circuitry. The colors of blue and grey clashed with the alien themes of red and black. This collision of styles could be seen from half a kilometer away. Worgen cared not for this fact. It was like a warning to his prey. A chance for them to flee and increase the thrill the Hunter could enjoy. Yet it always failed and never produced fruit. As he moved towards the south, his Ghost hovered beside him and made a raspy noise. Similar to that of a radio. "[i]I have tapped into the Fallen communications relay. We are getting closer as you could tell. Remember Guardian, we need to-[/i]" As the Ghost instructed him, Worgen raised his hand and interrupted his companion. "[b]Infiltrate the new Fallen outpost and eliminate the Captain that is being stationed there. I know all that already Ghost. If the Fallen make a new foothold out here past the Ishtar Sink, than it will be harder to get a reign on them or ever observe their actions.[/b]" They arrived to a ridge overlooking a barren clearing. A Fallen Skiff passed them over head and began it's slow descent. It landed on an impromptu platform in the center of a barricaded fort made of scarp metal and rock. Turrets constructed from irreparable Walkers were scattered along the perimeter yet few in number. Imposing as they were, Worgen's Ghost determined they were inoperable at the time. As the hatches of the Skiff opened for the new leader to leave the transport, Worgen drew his rifle and laid in the mud. As his Ghost hovered behind his head, the small mass of light and machine assisted the man with his aim. One Captain, four Vandals and a Servitor descended into the fort. A number of Dregs had been awaiting their arrival and welcomed the Captain. "[i]Increase barrel incline two centimeters. With the planets gravitational pull, as it is, you will need-[/i]" Before the Ghost continued his explanation, before the Captain disappeared from his sight, before time itself had a chance to move on Worgen fired a round of blazing lead. It flew through the warm air and drifted down towards the Fallen's head. The echo of the barrel was all that alerted the fort of the oncoming attack. The Captain turned his head before watched a small lead bullet blaze through the night and into his skull. In a flash Worgen and the base came to life. One charging forward while the other stayed dazed and frantic. Exchanging his sniper rifle in favor of a hand cannon, Worgen approached the barricaded walls. A grenade left his palm and soared through the air before hitting the weak wall. A fiery explosion was enough to push back the makeshift defense and melt small holes in the rock around it. The Dregs and Vandals formed a living shield between the intruder and the Servitor, now the highest form of leadership. A barrage of electricity and plasma met Worgen, forcing him to take cover behind a rock. He sat there as the stone was chipped away at by enemy fire. His Ghost reappeared before making the suggestion to flee and return at a later hour. The Hunter scoffed at his over cautious ally. The Exo focused on his hand cannon, molding it into a medium for the Light of the Traveler to be housed in. With a flash of heat his gun grew a golden aura before his soul went ablaze. Peeking around the rock Worgen fired three glowing rounds into the small hoard before returning to safety. A brief moment passed before three small explosions erupted within three Fallen troops. The Light filled them to the brim before converting them into living bombs. Their comrades surrounding them began to burn and yell in agony. All weapons halted their fire as each alien being ran for cover. Yet no haven would be found with the Hunter in their midst. Emerging from cover the Guardian fire his weapon towards the crippled enemy forces. After which only the metallic orb remained. It made an attempt to flee from its enemy before being tackled by the Hunter. Being forced to the ground, Worgen unloaded an entire magazine into the Servitor. Taking all the damage it could and more, the living relic ceded to function as it's internal workings were ripped apart by point-blank fire. The Hunter had done his work and hunted his prey without fault. This mission was finished and all Fallen laid at his feet. The Worgen looked around him as the night closed in on him with darkness and soundless air. A moment ago he was filled with energy and a passion for the hunt. Now he stands on the pinnacle with a silent stare. As Ghost scanned over the area for any remaining Fallen, it discovered something. "[i]Guardian, I think I have found something[/i]." A beam escaped the optical senor of the Ghost, breaking the lock on a thin yet long case. Worgen walked towards the case and opened it for both to see. Inside was an unusual discovery. A sword similar to a Shock Blade. Yet it had a smaller shock core system at the base and a longer blade. Along the flat were symbols from the Fallen language. It was far more elegant and respectable than the Fallen Shock Blade or Shock Dagger. "[i]What is this blade? Doesn't look like a normal Shock Blade[/i]." The Guardian took hold of the weapon and gave it a good swing before pointing it to Ghost. "[b]Not sure myself. Lets take it back and have the Cryptarchs give it a look over.[/b]" In agreement Ghost shot a beam of light at the sword before it disappeared into a bright, white mist.

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