my overall K/D-ratio is at a clear 1 (after it was at .054 at the beginning) and overall I can say, I am not that bad in Crucible as the K/D-ratio implies.
I am mostly in the upper regions of the stats and more often the best player of my team with the highest score, but I have no -blam!-ing idea how I should accomplish a K/D-ratio of 1.5 or higher, since I have those 1.5 to 6 K/D-games and those 0.3 once in a while.
Since it seems systematic to me, I die to often, I wanted to ask you if you have an idea, what to change.
I am more of the run'n gun type of player and I move a lot and try to get or defend objectives. In the first I sometimes get obsessed and I have recognized this as a source of my deaths, since I have games where I run into the same death a few times, if I want "to get that stupid point C but this stupid ****** camps there and killed me the fourth time in a row".
Than there are those games, where I just can't get a foot on the ground, where you start dying and keep dying and run into three supers in a row, just before the whole other team seems to have heavy ammo for the next 20 minutes and so on. Those then result in those 0.3 games.
Any tips for me?
Edited by Tarrant1701: 2/17/2015 1:18:44 PMI watched this video and helped me, my K.D is much better and I get a K.D of 3.0 more often. Credit to BDobbinsFTW, I hope this helps you.