Background: the wife was out of town this past weekend visiting her sister in South Carolina, so from Friday evening after work through Monday evening before reset, I had the pleasure of Destiny-binging with little to no remorse. I decided to spend most of my weekend (when not doing bounties, random strikes, and some pvp) as a swordbearing sherpa for LFG groups trying to down Crota on normal.
About me: 32 warlock. Have cleared normal and hard numerous times. Have all I really want from CE (Fang, Word, Necrochasm [yes, even though it sucks, wanted it for collector's purposes]), and at this point, am simply running it with my clan and with others to help.
Here's what I learned from running sword approximately 30 times over the weekend:
Running the sword on normal mode is easy. Personally, I used left-side strategy with each of my groups, and would blink-jump from the left ledge as soon as I saw a couple of rockets start smacking Crota's face. If the DPS is continuous (truly continuous), you can literally just sit in his back pocket without him even touching you until he starts to kneel, at which point you can get a head-start on him and start whacking him; with this method, I was able to get 4 hits with each half of a sword phase, and ultimately, get him down with two swords.
Left-side strategy seems easiest for groups running normal. Though I prefer left-side, many groups insisted on center ledge; I didn't mind, as it made little to no difference to me. However, I did find that more often than not, I'd have to take down the swordbearer by myself with center strat, because he'd get squirrely and the group wouldn't be able to shoot him while I was down on the ground getting ready to pounce on the sword. Also, I found a lot of the CE normal groups had difficulty getting back inside without dying when using center strat. Not sure why, but it was a consistent issue.
Rockets matter. Gjallarhorns can make a world of difference, but aren't necessary. Rockets in general are, though. And obviously, tracking makes it go much more smoothly. With continuous and simultaneous rocket fire on Crota, the swordbearer can jump up to Crota without fear of even being touched and simply wait for him to start kneeling, and when he does, begin hacking on his way down. Without continuous rocket fire, it can be a little more dicey from a timing-standpoint, and the swordbearer will likely have to rely on the team calling out Crota's shield nearing zero.
People still don't understand the mechanics of CE. I ran sword for numerous groups with folks who claimed they had 32s and were simply running alts through CE. However, when they insisted on using primary weapons instead of rockets, they couldn't seem to understand why that would typically translate to one half of a sword phase instead of a full two sets of swings. It's a timing issue. You don't have forever and a day with the sword, if for no other reason than Crota's rotation. If you're not willing to shoot rockets, and want to rely on primary, then be well aware that by the time the first four swings are done, he's likely going to be rotating on his way out of middle before there's an opportunity to down him again for a new set of four swipes. So, to the stingy groups using primary only: count on four total swings per sword if you'd like to avoid wiping. A hunter may be able to make it work better, but he's still going to have an issue hanging around for the primaries on the second half of the sword.
People are entitled. There were far too many groups who refused to use heavy syntheses because they weren't "going to waste money on that shit" and yet refused to accept the reality that downing Crota would take longer as a result. These are mainly 30s, mind you, so it's not as if their DPS is through the roof to begin with. I don't mind a primary-only DPS downing, but don't expect it to be a smooth ride.
Running the sword is an addiction. After the first few Crota kills as swordbearer, I couldn't get enough. I kept trolling the LFG site, looking for checkpoint groups who needed a swordbearer. There were others just like me on there. The groups that invited me were shocked I was running sword as a warlock for fun. They couldn't fathom the idea that I'd want to run sword even without the promise of loot. But it's that much fun. Once you're familiar with it, get used to it, understand the best method to hack that sucker, you can't stop. I imagine this is what a drug or alcohol addiction feels like. I had no control over myself. Over and over again, I just wanted to hack him to pieces, and I did. At first, it'd take me three swords. Then I got it down to two regularly. Oh, man, was that a high. In any event, you must try it. Once you succeed, you'll never go back to boomer duty or rocket man. Screw the gally. Pick up the blade and wreck that SOB.
'Tis truly better to give than to receive. Really, it is. So many groups, after inviting me, were clearly downtrodden, frustrated, maybe lost a swordbearer or two before me, and feared they'd never down him. "Our swordbearer couldn't stay alive" they'd say. "He said we couldn't have the chalice" they'd tell me. It was disheartening. Sad. I would confidently tell them, so long as they provided the DPS, I would ensure a kill. Their ears perked, they got a little excited, a bit of promise was restored, and hope resurfaced. They didn't understand how someone could be so confident, but I felt it was my job to make sure they got that ugly shader and emblem. And hopefully, along the way, someone would get black hammer or HoC and really make it a love-fest. Upon delivery of the downing, the ecstatic reactions were priceless. Best. High. Ever. Hearing the whooping and hooting and hollering of squeakers, grown men, and those in between, simply besides themselves to finally have bested that bastard after clearly failing a litany of times. "Dude, you were so good!" "Man, you're an awesome swordbearer! I'm adding you." Sure, the ego boost was nice, but man, watching them watching your little guy grow up. Loved every -blam!-ing minute of it. My favorite group was one that I spent a couple of hours with. They were broken, downtrodden, glimmer-poor, couldn't afford synthesis, and simply praying for heavy ammo drops with each run. Finally, the heavy dropped, it all came together, and 3 out of 5 of them downed him for the first time. I wanted to cry for them. They were so happy, and I really felt good getting to know them during the run. Great group. So happy for them. I loved it.
TL;DR: Ran sword for normal groups just for fun all weekend. Loved every minute of it. Learned a grip.
EDIT: Loving all the comments and feedback. Honored to be part of the Destiny community!
I have yet to learn sword bearer and i actually plan on starting this week with my titan then when i learn to do it on my titan, hop onto my hunter and practice more. I feel like if i learn how to do it on a titan first doing it on a hunter will be a lot easier rather than the other way around. Also, in crota, the pressure is truly on the sword bearer especially if there's only one in the group that knows how to do it.
Awesome man
Edited by njl4515: 2/17/2015 9:58:50 PMRunning sword with a Warlock or Titan on hard difficulty is a pain without a group who knows your timing (and vise versa). With a Hunter, just go invisible and people can fire at Crota when you are behind him. With a Warlock or Titan, you need to kinda know the damage output and when Crota can go down--- so he is not too far away that you can't get all your hits on him, but you also don't want to jump up before he is down so he doesn't chop you. What I'm saying is, I only run sword when I am a Hunter. Edit: that being said, my team will leave (or kick) people who use primaries or snipers instead of rockets on Crota. You don't have to have a Gally or HoC, but you damn sure have to have a tracking rocket.
This sounds like the first time I ran the sword. I was trying for Black Hammer (I still am) and needed a Crota kill with my Hunter. The group I found didn't have a sword carrier, so I volunteered. I was familiar with the strategy, and I had blink strike so I was pretty confident, but I had never been sword carrier before (I didn't tell them that until after we beat him) The group was good, most of them seemed to know each other and most of them hadn't beaten Crota before. We did left stairs, designated someone on boomer duty, I explained to them all what had to happen and when. We wiped a couple times, it happens, but I could tell they were a solid group. On the third or fourth attempt, I smashed Crota and he dissolved into nothing and there was much rejoicing. Everyone's cheering and celebrating and comparing loot, it was as good of a reward as I could have hoped for (besides that elusive Hammer). I've enjoyed being sword carrier ever since. I just don't have a ton of time to do it just for fun, unfortunately. Wife and kid and job, those darn priorities.
Same, I love running sword on normal but I do get a tad nervous playing with randoms because of the difference in strategies and such, or the fear they won't be able to drop crota lol
Holy shit, this was one of the best reads I had in this month, maybe altogether on these forums.
To long to read. Did catch that it's an addiction. So true. I can't stop helping randoms just to use it.
Here's a vid i recorded last week in case you want to try it solo with warlock without a gally. It was a bit sloppy because I was just sending it to a friend for him to try really quick, and was super early am, but it outlines the mechanics. Message me if you have questions
I do this on normal when I have time, when ce was easily soloable I would get a group of Lvl 28s ask them to kill themselves at the start of each phase. Then I would solo the entire thing to get them loot. Even got one dude a gjallerhorn
Got it...sit in his back pocket, watch his rocket and give him a whack.
That is awesome of you. Great work!
Nice write up. I also prefer to attack Crota with my warlock.
Edited by Wathman00: 2/17/2015 9:03:47 PMPerhaps this week Xur will finally crack and break his stranglehold on the heavy sytnths. The synth must flow! Perhaps we'll see an increase in groups able to do enough DPS with rockets, and make the Crota battle go more smoothly for everyone. I only managed 1 full HM clear this past week since I didn't have time to farm glimmer, and wasted many packs with groups that ran out of rockets halfway through the battle.
BUMP I do that all the time. The sword is insanely fun.
Damn bro you rock! Xbox one or PS4?!
Edited by Raskolnikov32: 2/17/2015 7:35:32 PMNice work man! +1 Karma.
good post man :)
Ax, i'm gonna need to request your help some time for hard mode. Are you PS4? I'd like to learn to run with the sword a lot better if you'd be interested in helping me out. I have a group of friends/notfriends on a clan and from time to time when I play with them, they're all level snobs and need experienced people, unwilling to work with others and simply are doing things for their own gain. Then send me requests when they need an extra for things which I basically ignore now. I'm working on my own clan and getting raids together, and I'd love to become a helpful swordbearer just like youve mentioned. If you're on PS4, my gamertag is ShinFenrirX
Cool story bro. Wish there were more people like you out there.
Cool post dude. My warlock is 32 and my wife is out of town this weekend. I long to smash crota, i am inspired, i will devote my weekend to learning sword. Would you give me some specifics. 1. When you choose blink perk do you melee on the way in our just ground and pound the whole time? I usually glide and like the movement boost you get when meleeing. 2. Hunters just stand in front of him between swords. What should a warlock do. Go behind the rock? Found the rest of the information helpful.
The sword is easy on hard mode also. But things can go wrong easily if the sword bearer feels like hinding in weird places. Its unfortunatley true though about the heavy synths. As a 32 it sucks major balls that spawning reduces your heavy ammo. I absolutely hate farming glimmer since its boring as hell, and i absolutely hate that xur only has it sometimes. He should always sell heavy synths, but whatever. I havent been running hard crota because xur is being a stingy mofo. He hasnt had heavy synths in a month or more. In normal mode though synths are hardly necessary. His shields go down faster than hard mode, especially if you have 32's since your damage isnt being negated. Also, it takes 2 swords to down crota normal as a 32 so you have a ton of room for error.
Yeah,after getting the Crux of Crota I decided to learn the sword. It's just too much fun. I tried it with all of my characters.
Awesome work dude! I think I saw you posting on LFG this weekend :-)
Good job man. I love doing the same. I do it on hard even tho it's more frustrating lol.
Now move to hard mode and goodluck.
Awesome story. This community still gives me hope yet.