If you voted yes, no, or kinda, comment below why or why not it is or is not "earning". After seeing so much controversy on this subject I want to see what some people have to say, you are all entitled to your opinions so have at it Guardians!!!
Buying your exotics from xur is the only way to earn them, anything else is a random drop of luck not earned! You have to "earn" all the coins required so takes time and effort!! Well bounties I guess would count aswell!! Dnt let anybody tell you different, there's no skill in having one drop by luck
Just second what Turkeybean said.
The game doesn't hand you anything. Even with RNG considered, you have to play the game for things to drop. So whether it's obtained through an exotic bounty, Xur, Eris or any other means, you earned it.
Edited by china27: 2/19/2015 1:42:44 AMWhat everyone doesn't get is the term earning has no meaning. What everyone is doing is "obtaining". How you "obtain" an exotic, well, frankly , who gives a damn. If I find it in the gorgon chest, have it dropped by a boss, dropped in ROC strike, crucible or Xur.... Who cares. I(you) am(are) going to use it however we want and there is nothing anyone can do about it, so to come here and debate over what's "earned" or not "earned" is a useless conversation. These posts need to stop. Get a life, who gives a sh!t, loser
Illuminati Confirmed!!!
In a way yes, depending on how you define earn. Consider that in order to purchase these things from Xur, you have to earn the strange coins. Typically this means you've got to get through a weekly strike (other methods are available but the rate of acquisition is very slow). There is the possibility you got carried through the strike. If you did, then those coins were not earned. If you contributed equally or more than your co-players, I would say it was earned. Just like although drops in raids and other events are random, if you played well and tried then perhaps we can say you earned it. It is of course disappointing to see a player who worked less hard or not at all get better drops than you, and they certainly didn't really deserve that drop over you if you contributed more. But to some degree they can be "earned". In other aspects there's no logic to it at all (this concerns mainly drops).
Technically yes, because in order to purchase from Xur you need to earn the strange coins first.
No. Nothings earned but glowhoo and grimoire. The whole game is random.
Kind of I mean you do earn the coins by doing weekly
Yes, because, while you might earn something through RNG because you completed a certain activity, it is still random. To buy a weapon from Xur you need coins, which you can get through RNG but also through completing a difficult weekly strike. (more difficult than normal strikes that is) This weekly strike does not have matchmaking so you need friends or other people to do it (or solo it if you have the nerve). Assuming that most people probably get their coins from the weekly heroic strike (seeing as you get 9 for a hard completion, 3x at max), you can say that these people earned the weapons they bought with these coins by either being sociable enough to put together a party or being dedicated enough to finish the strike alone. Whatever way you look at it, if we talk earning, then buying > finding.
No. Just cuz you ran through 1-2 Weekly Heroics does not mean you "earn" an exotic piece. Motes/ Strange Couns practically fall from the sky in this game. Xur is a handout for casuals, RNG is luck, nothing is truly earned.
You earn the coins through weeklys so I think it counts. Don't really care though.
You get strange coins by farming for 4 hours then a weekly strike. Yes you deserve something.
Any time you purchase anything means you earned it. Considering the currency involved during the purchase.
Not really, but RNG is so infuriating, I don't mind it.
I kinda actually wish I didn't buy any. (Even though I've got most of them through rng twice). It definitely doesn't feel as rewarding as getting it through a drop that's for sure.
Who cares if you "earned it" or not? If you have it, you have it. That's enough for me.
If you have enough materials, I'd say you earned it.
It Just occured to me. Should top tier businessmen and world class footballers tell lottery winners that the lottery winners millions are not really earned? I'm sure the lottery winners earned their money through the same RNG that you earned your Ghorn, so, why can't those who Xur (in my analogy, the businessmen and footballers) be counted as earning as well? Here, you only earn money if you play the lottery, but, we all know that to make your millions, you have to earn them.
You earn the coins by doing difficult strikes or finding them in engrams. So I think that it is earning them.
I suppose since the strange coins are a guaranteed drop from the heroic that it's earning
Only way to curve rng....
Has anyone else noticed that the exchange for strange coins has gotten low. I usually can gather up enough in a weeks time of doing ROCS and such to at least go see our every other week. This week....one coin and lots of dismantling
You gotta earn the coins
You were rewarded those strange coins for something you did, you wanted an Exotic and Xur had the one you want. Bungie didn't put him in there for no reason at all other than to piss you off, they probably put him in there to ease the pain of RNG on most. I mean, it's been about 1 month since my last RNG exotic (recently got TLW from a ROC after seeing someone pull a MIDA 2 strikes prior, but, that's not the point.) Point is, if it's there and that's how bungie wants us to play their games, then, it's fair game.
2-3 strikes for something is NOT earning it.