so i start, i hate it when my idiot teammates take A on blindwatch, when we have fully establish B&C.why the -blam!- do you guys do this?
tactically speaking, THERE IS NO ADVANTAGES TO A FLAG!!!
it is in all purposes, a trap zone for teams that have C zone and a motivation for the A team zone to get C.i don't understand how you guys don't understand this.
post your rage here!
did not expect for this thread to get this popular, keep them coming.
No story, just a post game report.
Getting Timurs lash, being disappointed as I get -blam!- everytime I try to use it. It seriously needs a faster rate of fire
Fuk pocket infinity man. I ran through a door three times to find myself with a face full of full auto shit. Was pissed the third time around
Does anyone else feel like the headshot streak bounty is broken? I really am having a hard time with that one.
Not happy with entering a game that's 2050 to 14350 FAK that.
I got top of the board twice in a row. In these consecutive games, the same guy (who finished last both times) got no land beyond and universal remote. Sure they are probably the two worst exotics but I don't have them.
Full team of snipers and I hate when Titans and warlocks super on one person it's highly annoying like dang you not going to try and win the 1v1 with skill
When i cant play because im the one lagging ass haha
Let's see Spawn not working Being Nova Bombed through a wall Being Fist of Havoced through a wall Suros
What about Charlie on firebase Delphi?
Why can't I -blam!-ing spawn already.
Edited by EchoesintheWind: 2/19/2015 9:06:24 AMI was wondering why I, the 31, was carrying a fire team full of 32s who kept tripping over each other. God's among men indeed. It just goes to show that if you beat your head against a brick wall for long enough, eventually it or your skull will break. This is how I imagine that they achieved level 32. Apparently their skulls proved to be thicker than the wall. Edited typos.
GIVE US A HELMET!...Gauntlets twice in a row now.
Just played full premade with most of them using ghorn. Although my kd went down past couple of days it makes me happy to do this to a full team. Also I know I didn't get caps.
Just keep Steve and carry on.
Iron banner needs a tutorial for every idiot capping the third point and ducking their team over.
If you're on blind watch and the enemy has B and C on lockdown, forget B! C is much easier to cap, and can help you immensely in capping B to turn the tide of the game!
Well, you named the ultimate Crucible sin already, but I will expand on it and say not just A on Blind Watch. Anyone who takes a third zone when your comfortably leading is an idiot because it f***s up the spawn and instead of them starting on their zone, they spawn behind you. Seen a few victories turn to defeats because someone capped all 3 and the other team ended up using the new spawn to flip the map.
I wish I was good at pvp I just want the arms ;-;
How about throwning a Suppresion Grenade into a bladedancer's face and he still swings at you with his OHK slash but this time without the sparks....
Not a rage from me but I just sit down and do nothing to piss people off :P
Nova Bombed a 27 Arc Blading Hunter and he didn't die still had shields( I'm 32 )
Thorn. That is all