so i start, i hate it when my idiot teammates take A on blindwatch, when we have fully establish B&C.why the -blam!- do you guys do this?
tactically speaking, THERE IS NO ADVANTAGES TO A FLAG!!!
it is in all purposes, a trap zone for teams that have C zone and a motivation for the A team zone to get C.i don't understand how you guys don't understand this.
post your rage here!
did not expect for this thread to get this popular, keep them coming.
Blind Watch. They have C and B. They keep spawn camping with f*ck out of us with supers and heavy ammo. They were even running around inside our spawn, but we keep spawning around A flag. So bad to the point where I have to eject the game because every time I try to go back to orbit, I just get kill before I get to.
That one guy on your team who grabs the heavy ammo the second it spawns.
Me patiently waiting for group of team to gather around heavy ammo, no one shows up, random ass hunter pops up and takes it
Vex. I'll bitch until the cows come home about... But I know that when I get it I will dominate with it in the banner... But I probably won't run vog for a while so I'll just keep raging whenever I get killed by it
Also getting one shot by a level 27 with a blue sniper.
Fcking thorn!!!!!!!!! The rage when trying to have a normal match and getting killed over and over again because fcking 6 little kids are using it! Sorry had too.
I get mad when I die a lot but then I remember it's just because I suck
-blam!-ing pieces of camping scrub using bitch guns in the -blam!-ing back!! :-)
To all the people under level 27, just stop.
Spawning right next to an enemy then being killed immediately Lag kills (when you know they should be dead, but they somehow kill you and five seconds later you get a postmortem medal) Lag deaths (when people's connections are so terrible you get killed and don't know why until you see some teleporting person and you're just like wtf) Maps over and over again Stupid teammates or teammates doing stupid things People using the same kinds of weapons *Vex Mythoclast *Suros Regime *Thorn (guilty) Being on a team of low level guardians [i]if you're lvl 25 or lower you're going to have a bad time[/i]
Yeah, I've had some real idiots in my games. Shores of Time is especially stressful when I'm with a bad team just because of how incompetent they are at effective map control. People need to grasp the fact that giving the extremely open side of the map to a team full of snipers will NOT work well for them.
This x 100! Plus everyone using the same weapons like Suros, etc. I got killed last night by a universal remote user and was happy to be killed by something other than a Vex, Suros, Thorn or hawkmoon.
Join a game and hear "FIGHT BACK CONTROL THE ZONES" I spent more time in orbit loading the map then playing. Why send me to a game that is already done.
Winning by a mile with 2 flags and then idiots decide to go take the 3rd flag, flip the spawn, and then we crash and burn. S/N: keep using fusions and I'm going to dust off my Plan C.
A lot of camper clans
I hate the fact that it's Control since Control isn't a true test of whether one team is getting more kills or not.
I hate when people take C on that delphi base or w.e its call, map, jumping into the window to there death. Smh
GTFO vex users
-blam!-ing every -blam!- sniping 1 shot body shot kill from a level 25 v 32 Go -blam!- yourself
Too many -blam!-in shotguns. WTF
LAGGY WARLOCKS WHO ARE BLINK/SHOTTY EVERYWHERE!!! Also, the map rotation sucks. I played blind watch/firebase delphi 5 times in a row!
So much SUROS...
When your fireteam quits the match because we are down 3000 points 3 minutes into the game. I mean, we could easily make a comeback.
Actually, A has a better defensive position. You don't even need B if the rest of the team is responsible enough to stay the -blam!- away from it. In fact, on most maps it is the choice by teams to throw themselves at B that causes losses. Sure if you hold 2 points the score multiplies when you kill, but it's just as easy for a smart team to hold 1 and win.
Oh, you were going to bladedance zone b? It would be a shame if.... [spoiler]PANIC BUTTON[/spoiler]