The only earning in destiny is completing bounties. You earn strange coins of course, but technically you're buying the exotics from xur, not earning them. RNG is pure luck, so no earning there either.
So me getting a job and buying something from the store isn't earning ? But I "earned" all those Christmas presents right?
I work and earn money, so I go out and buy a car with that earned money so therefore I have earned that car. RNG is like winning a car from the casino, you didn't earn it, but you spent loads of time and (earned) money at the casino and just so happened to walk away with a car.
But you earned the right to be in the position to obtain exotics from RNG. They don't drop for low levels.
Destiny pre level 20 is a totally different thing, everyone is on the same page up to that point. It's like waiting until you're 16, 18 or 21 to get a job or be able to go to the Casino, up until that point everything is pretty much given to you. Bungie who in a sense would be like your 'parents' provide for you as you go, by playing the storyline you get armor upgrades weapon upgrades, it's like your parents buying you clothes or new shoes that fit better. Until you turn 18 and the turn you out on your own where you go to work, run the daily, bounties, weekly and eventually the raid and nightfall. I hope you can understand my analogy.
You bought the car. If you got a car directly for the work you did, then it would be earned. Like a bounty.
Getting strange coins from nightfall is different from getting coins from the weekly since the night fall is completely RNG and the weekly is a guarantee
Edited by Vox Mortuis: 2/18/2015 5:07:56 PMSee this is an interesting point, and if anything supports my statement. All the strange coins are in a pool, you can't separate the nightfall/engram RNG ones from the heroic earned ones. So if you got them both from earning and from luck, what does that make the exotic? Its bought. Not luck, and not earned.
Yes, but you exchange your work for money, which you exchange for the car, so yes you did earn the car, all you're doing is adding an extra step between the car and work, now if I bought the car with money won at the casino then no I did not earn it like if I got 20 strange coins from the nightfall this week and bought a helmet or something.
I disagree. You spend your time in game doing stuff. Sometimes you get lucky and get something good. Other times you just get the strange coins. You have put in your time either way. This is such a stupid debate. Who cares? Just enjoy the game.
Edited by THE SARGE 01: 2/18/2015 1:41:30 PMReally, so I get up in the morning everyday to go to work. I save enough to buy a car, but I did not earn it because I used currency to get it? Strange perhaps