So what did everyone get from this week's nightfall? Anyone get anything they were hoping for? Quest for Hawkmoon still going strong lol.
Let's tally up our rewards in this poll!
[url=]Week 24 Nightfall Rewards Poll[/url]
EDIT: [url=]Head Here for Week 33! (Winter's Run)[/url]
Edited by WallaWallas: 4/22/2015 1:18:04 PM
Started a new topic: Nightfall Drop Rate Research (Week 25)(98 Replies))
Finally had a Gjallerhorn drop from NF... Time to level that bad boy up! 😁
2 legendary fusion rifles that were terrible, so 5 energy
Coiled Hiss 1919 Lucky Rasberry
Obsidian mind. Hell yeah
Enegy, energy, and guess
Shards, Helm Of Saint 14
Gm time - old
Shit enjoy -
9 strange coins
I got 7 exotics this week. I will list them MIDA Multi-tool Voidfang Vestments Chest of Alpha Lupi FINALLY VEX MYTHOCLAST!!!!!!!!!! Dragon's Breath ( shard ) Heart of The Pracix Fire Lucky Raspberry Pretty good week since in nightfall I got poop All of this was from engrams/raid(s)
Hunter - No Land Beyonce Titan - Crest of Alpha Lupi I have received an exotic item 5 weeks in a row. My bubble is due to burst very very soon.
Universal remote
Exotic dildo. Don't know how to use it :/
Legendary engram that turned into energy
Edited by Guardian4777: 2/21/2015 6:37:37 AM1st run: Hawkmoon 2nd run: LDR 5001 3rd run: legendary engram (turned into B-line trauma -.-
Icebreaker and plan c
7 shards. I have over 100. 💩
Badger ccl
Me and my friend thought the nightfalls were too long so we did two the first day. We got shit. Then last night we decided to the last one. We were all hyped to see some exotic drops. Next thing you know boom. Shards for him and energy for me. We both said "-blam!- nightfall, we aren't the it next week." But we both know we will do it next week.
Dragons breath, the culling, 11 coins
7 strange coins :/
1st. Ghorn 2nd. Heart of Praxic Fire 3rd. Suros
The Cure, 12 Coins, 10 Coins
just monte carlo
I've done it and got no -blam!-ing reward. Screw bungie