So what did everyone get from this week's nightfall? Anyone get anything they were hoping for? Quest for Hawkmoon still going strong lol.
Let's tally up our rewards in this poll!
[url=]Week 24 Nightfall Rewards Poll[/url]
EDIT: [url=]Head Here for Week 33! (Winter's Run)[/url]
My second Plan C and 10 coins.
Warlock: Monte Carlo Hunter: Heart of the Praxic Fire Titan: 10 Ascendant Shards Hated the strike, but I got the two things I wanted most... :)
Gjallarhorn, Last Word, Dragons Breath
Plan C A stupid FWC shotgun
1: 11 shards 2: 11 energies 3: Hard Light
Heart of Praxic Fire and Thunderlord so far with my Titan and Warlock runs.
Some good ol' strange coins... 11 of them to be exact... Bringing my grand total up to 111 strange coins...... Yay...... -___-
Fist run, 9 strange coins.
Suros Regime
I got coiled hiss and the 123 swyzgy. Guess I'm getting ready for the pulse rifle buff haha..
Plan C The Calling 10 shards Nightfalls suck
Nothing good yet but I did get hawkmoon a couple days ago from my first roc strike of the day.
Voidfang Vestiments. Again.
Admonished 3 with tracking Still have to do it 2x
Hunter - Mask Of the Third Man (had it on when I beat it) Titan - Suros Regime (3rd one dropped) Warlock - The Calming fusion rifle So 2 exotic shards and 3 energy, but the bonus is worth it
Crappy legendary fusion rifle ew
Gjallarhorn, energy, energy
First run last night I literally got 7 ascendant shards. I couldn't do anything but laugh about it because that is so ridiculous that they give out useless items as rewards for grinding out that (fairly) challenging strike. I don't expect much out of the nightfalls besides the XP boost, but some of the rewards are kind of offensive.
Plan c so far , 2 more to go
Plan c again, exotic shard
Helm of saint-14
Haven't did it yet takes to dame long.. and anit it funny the dame weekly is harder then the night falll. But i got the hawkmoon in VOG normal last night,,..
No backup plan aka an exotic shard.
Shards while my buddy got Monte Carlo and the guy who joined 30 seconds before we beat it got ice breaker #coolstory
I got Vinition hand cannon. it sucks :c