So what did everyone get from this week's nightfall? Anyone get anything they were hoping for? Quest for Hawkmoon still going strong lol.
Let's tally up our rewards in this poll!
[url=]Week 24 Nightfall Rewards Poll[/url]
EDIT: [url=]Head Here for Week 33! (Winter's Run)[/url]
7 shards so far
12 shards 10 strange coins 8 Energy Better than getting legendaries I'd just dismantle, I guess.
6th week in a row I've gotten an exotic from nightfall I got 4th horseman yesterday
Time on Target Patience and Time Both of which I've received countless times before.
9 strange coins. No, I did not get the nightfall and weekly confused...
One Way Ticket 000 and Up For Anything.
1. The armentarium 2. Patience and time 3. Lucky raspberry
So far ascendant shards and another another nitc. (pun intended)
9 acsendant shards and no land beyond
Edited by juicehead2004: 2/18/2015 3:13:45 PMHunter- Thunderlord Titan- Truth First week ive got an exotic in a while ..already had a Thunderlord but happy I got Truth since I don't have a ghorn yet..
I got The Last Word. My buddy got his first Gjallarhorn. Very happy for him. I still have to run it on my 2nd character tonight.
1st: thunderlord 2nd: dead orbit rocket launcher
2nd Hawkmoon
4th horseman,11 strange coins, and patience and time
11 energy. Uuuuugh
Glasshouse first run ( hell Ya! I wanted that) Some weird pulse rifle by the name of red death... Think I should dismantle it lol Some weird helmet that makes me look like a saint.... 14
Crest of Alpha Lupi
1. Legendary engram/3 little words pulse rifle 2. 11 coins 3. Gjhallhorn. Finally.
1st: 11 strange coins (why is this a reward) 2nd: crappy shot gun (dismantled) 3rd: 12 ascendant energy (don't need more)
Red death and mask of third man so happy with that
7 shards Legendary engram
Radiant dance machines for my hunter
1.Dead Orbit rocket launcher 2.One way ticket aka 2 energies 3.Secret Handshake
A pea shooter auto rifle with shitty perks (why is Grenadier even a gun perk?). Dismantled it before I learned its name. +2 energies. The Badger with explosive rounds and Firefly on my second run. Won't dismantle it, for now. I don't think I have the patience to do it with my third character. This strike blows.
Helm of Saint 14