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Edited by AbbydiIlo: 3/9/2015 3:31:47 PM

Normal Crota Loot Drops are Broken (and the elusive Black Hammer)

Let me start by saying I've completed the Crota raid since its first appearance (at least) 3 times every week. When hard mode came out, I've beaten it on normal first and then on hard to ensure I have every opportunity to get the black hammer. I am still missing 2 normal weapons. Here's why I think it's broken. It seems as though the more you beat Crota (normal) the less chance you have at getting a weapon drop. I've helped a lot of newcomers beat their first Crota raid and have seen the black hammer (or any weapon) drop over and over. This is not a "I'm bitter because I haven't received the weapon I want" thread, although I definitely am bitter about it. I truly think there is something flawed here because not only haven't I gotten the gun I want I have not gotten ANY weapon drops off of Crota (normal) since the 3rd or 4th week of its lifespan. I have also noticed that no one who's done the raid every week (3x) has gotten a weapon drop from Crota (normal) in quite some time. I am seriously considering deleting a character just so I can start over and run Crota for a fresh chance at drops because as it stands now, there seems to be no hope. What are the chances I'll get a weapon drop at all let alone the one I've been waiting for? EDIT: After reading through comments, I'm convinced there's something broken about normal mode. HM gives a drop every single time and NM gives nothing since week 3? Yeah. Broken. Has anyone else experienced this? Thoughts?

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  • My brother as a level 29 shot a wall to distract boomers and got blAck hammer first time beating it

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  • Everyone who beats normal mode for the first time gets a weapon, it's guaranteed. Some of my clan mates couldn't get the Blackhammer and other weapons like yourself, but they finally dropped for them eventually. So either keep trying, or go ahead and scrap a character to make a new one and run the raid again.

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    • Elusive black hammer? That was the first gun I ever got on my very first Crota run.

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    • I ran crota on normal 3 times today 1st run i got shards and energy, 2nd run nothing at all, 3rd run nothin but energy and still no black hammer

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    • Figured out the problem - here's the solution that worked for me.

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    • I know how u feel i ran normal crota yesterday on my 32 hunter all i got at the end was shards. I have completed crota at least 30 times and on the last few weeks i havent got any weapons either. Least the experience is there.

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    • Not even gonna lie, after reading your post it kinda made me mad. I felt like we should all be accustomed to RNG by now. BUT, now that I think about it, since hard mode came out, I haven't gotten one normal raid weapon. I got multiple of each before hard dropped and now when I run normal, I get straight shards, energies or armor now. Weird as hell bro.

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      4 Replies
      • Do it. I hit lvl 20 before I got to venus.

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        • Random is random

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        • I was same boat with bh and hoc. Deleted one character made another. Had all raid weapons I had on that character completed raid and BAMMMMM!!! BLACK HAMMER BABY!!!!!

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          • K buddy, check this out.... I'm ALSO on the same boat. No blackhammer. Ever, 3 Normals and 3 Hards per week. But I'm convinced it's just bad RNG. Let me tell you why I think this... This week, on normal, I received a Gjally on first Deathsinger kill, SECOND....., wait for it.... AND THIRD. My friends couldn't believe it, and obviously neither could I. Mind you, this was my first Gjally EVER,and I received three, in a period of one hour on three toons. RNG is simply RNG. There is no rhyme or reason to rolling a dice. Keep it at as will I, but nothing is broken. Random is random.

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            12 Replies
            • Edited by Raima328: 3/19/2015 6:00:00 AM
              Normal Crota still drops weapons. I've received black hammer, hunger of Crota, light of the abyss and song of ir yut recently. Just make sure u do normal Crota cp first then Crota hard mode full raid after.

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              1 Reply
              • RNG will bless you suddenly one day man. I didn't have the Song of Iŕ Yut until about 2 weeks ago. I got one on every run giving me the 3 I needed for all toons. It will happen one day man. Just keep your spirits low. That's when RNG seems to bless you. When you've given up on the game and want to quit. Then it drags you back in.

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              • I swear every time I sword bear I get nothing. I too am salty from no broken hammer, I haven't gotten a single weapon drop from (normal) crota in about a month now.

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              • Haven't run it as much as all on this forum but the hard I completed dropped fang 1st time. On normal I have received Ab oe and yesterday received my third Crota rocket launcher and dragons breath from normal Crota. Just think it is the RNG

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              • If they allowed trading I would trade away my black hammer in a heartbeat...

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              • I'm in the same boat! Have not had black hammer or crux drop! Each week I run nine raids and no luck at all! Stay on your grind our day will come!

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                2 Replies
                • I have gotten 3 black hammers, 2 HoC's, and one song, but still don't have the sword breaker or light of the abyss, and I would trade a black hammer for the light of the abyss

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                • I got a Black Hammer, Mark of the Pit, all titan armor except for the helmet, and then everything else is energies. And nobody believes I quit?

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                • I got the hunger of crota and just last night the mida multi tool from crota on normal I don't the raid often but so far it's paid off

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                • How about RNG, scrub

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                • I can't seem to get the Hunger of Crota, which sucks because its one of the only tracking legendary launchers.

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                  5 Replies
                  • Edited by XHighRollerX123: 3/10/2015 5:10:18 PM
                    It's not broken , I couldn't get anything except what I already had to drop for awhile , last raid on hard I received --word of crota, abyss defiant, crux of crota,and a new ship, that's good for 1 run, keep at it and you will get lucky. I haven't got black hammer either lol.

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                    2 Replies
                    • Nope. Have everything from normal and hard Crota. Only missing corrective measure from the vog... 56 completions... some guns just don't want to drop I guess...

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                    • I have gotten 5 light of the abyss' and 3 songs of it yūt. I have nothing else from the normal raid.

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                    • Yeah I will say I my first run on N Crota was about a month ago or so and I got Tireless Striders and Black Hammer.

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