You should write the novel if you want to and don't feel pressured to write if you do just have fun!
I always enjoy writing, my friend! No pressure in doing what is hands down my favorite thing to do :) Thanks for the encouragement!
I really hope you do write it, maybe I could help with some ideas?
I've got an idea of where I'll go with it---but one thing I've learned is NEVER to turn down creativity. You have some ideas, or just like... a wishlist of things you think would be cool? Send them my way! It's always great to take something people want to 'see' or... a sense they want to get of adventure or discovery or action or whatever it is, and turn that into a story for them to enjoy. ...getting all lame and writer-ee. But you know. I really love to do this haha. Best feeling in the world to have someone read what you write and send them off on that adventure they're dying to go on.
I think it would be awesome if you focused on guardians' weapons and armour a bit, since they're such an integral part of the game (totally not because it would be the greatest moment of my life if you put some of my ideas in your writing...)
Alright thanks I'll think of some ideas this afternoon!