Gather my children, our numbers are growing.
What stated innocently enough in a poll I put before the flood to show Pink Ranger as the best, has blossomed into a movement of love, life, and truth.
Pink ranger is still number one in the poll and I urge all followers to seek it out and keep the vote up if you haven't already.
My self,
and Tuxx
will lead us all into our destined throne atop the flood as the founding members of our beautiful group.
(Numenor_lordx has a thread admitting and keeping record of all newcomers to the group. You may PM him or I to request entry as well.)
The Love of Pink and yellow rangers is absolute, and we are a peaceful people. However, non-believers should receive a verbal lashing from us.
The BRONY and SHREK are our main enemyd. Violence may be a necessary evil against this menace, and will be condoned.
Tuxx, when you find time can you please begin forming a PM group with all current members so we can keep better in touch?
Lastly, the user, That Pink Ranger shall be treated with the utmost respect. Whenever you encounter this user sing their praise, for she was my inspiration and muse for the pink ranger poll which ultimately lead us to the truth my children.
Go forth and spread the word my children!
Pink ranger and yellow ranger Combo will rule the flood! Tag your posts, post pictures of Emma Lahana and Amy Jo Jonson!
Keep all pink ranger, Emma Lahana, Amy jo Johnson threads at the top!
Pink ranger is love
yellow ranger is light
Pink and yellow ranger are life
When you think about it think of a briny oh this site hint hint engra