You're completely immature if you think you can "earn" anything via Bungie's RNG. This is the stupidest question ever. You could do the hardest content in the game a million times and still not receive what you want.
That's not skill based. That's pulling the lever on a slot machine and hoping for a jackpot.
[quote]You could do the hardest content in the game[/quote] That's where peoples ideology comes from. They either did the Nightfall, Vault of Glass, Crota's End and were rewarded the items for completing that, so to them, people who can simply go about getting the same item through some vendor using an easier method, is cheap and kind of a low blow to them. [quote]You're completely immature if...[/quote] you make a post similiar to yours, calling what he asked a stupid question. You can move along now.
What about the weekly? That's not RNG
No, good point! That's the only thing in the game that has a guaranteed reward of 3-9 coins. You use those to trade with Xûr who has a somewhat randomized inventory. So you can at least get an exotic weapon and upgrade it for the Trophy/Achievement. There are only two exotics you can get from raids. Vault of Glass gives you the Vex Mythoclast, Crota's End gives you the Crux of Crota/Necrochasm. Both weapons drop from Bungie's dark RNG Magic regardless of skill in their respective raids. So any other exotic you find, isn't necessarily tied to the raid completion, but just a bonus. Bungie has stated that [b][i]"there are many paths to exotics, all are valid." [/i][/b] I think we can all agree that Destiny's RNG is probably the worst in a loot driven game, ever. You should receive the best rewards for doing the hardest content (which you can, you just usually get a crap reward instead). Not AFK-ing in crucible or vanguard strikes.
Lol exactly