You are legend. You are able to do things other classes only dream of doing. You floof about and your flaming angel wings are sexy as all get out. Or you can knock Atheon out with a well placed fist to his face hole, also able to drop a bubbly portable dance-dome wherever, whenever. Speaking of dancing, maybe you have the most electrifying dance moves in all of game entertainment, with a bitchin' cloak to go with it.
Yes, you are legend. But we are not talking about personal glory. We are here for the team. There is no I in team, but there are a few in participation. So participate. Do your part to ensure the success of the group. In this thread, we will discuss class etiquette, and what you can do to make sure everybody gets through the battle to dance another day.
You're fast, you're invisible. You're on medic duty. Don't complain, just do it. If you don't, Cayde will personally strangle you with your own cloak. Revive your comrades.
Speaking of cloaks, and the excellent style they show off, don't be "that guy" on the sparrow. Yes, you are able to channel your inner Travis Pastrana with some totally gnar freestyle tricks. But don't cut off your teammates in the process. Some people are more worried about getting where they need to go than how they look while doing it.
The Thrall Abyss. You can fly through it at breakneck speed. Some of your companions cannot. Please keep in mind those lamps have poor wiring and tend to explode after prolonged use. Give your pals a chance to catch up. Maybe fire a few rounds into the critters that are hanging from that Titan's ankles.
Your bubble is a sanctuary. Impenetrable to projectiles. From both in and out. Please notify your friends when you're about to drop a bubble. Firing a rocket as a Titan drops a bubble around you can produce an unfortunate suicide-y sensation.
Blessing and Weapons of Light. We all love them. When possible, please coordinate with fellow Titans to double up on these buffs. This is known as Double Bubble. Delicious and produces warm and fuzzy feelings for all.
You're tough. But you're not invincible, and you're not Rambo. Please stay near the group when possible, or use the buddy system. The Hunters do not like having to cross through the fires of hell to revive you.
You can floof about. Neat. Be aware of your surroundings. You're an easy target up there. Practice safe floofery.
Your self resurrection is a game changer and a game saver. However, if you die and somebody is able to revive you, ask them. Save your self rez for the most dire of circumstances. Remember, you are all that stands between a wipe and a comeback.
You shoot bombs from your fingers. That is super cool. Please be aware that some of us hunters are easily startled. Do not make things go boom directly in front of your pals just for a laugh. I have enough heart problems as is.
Feel free to suggest more rules for ensuring a fun time is had by all. We often bicker, but in the end we're all in this together. Let's act like it.
Call out all supers ahead of time (if you're not RezLock or Bubble Titan) so you don't all pop supers at once.