Just got MH4U Friday, some of the improvements made are pretty cool, especially the mounting and jump attacks. Just looking to see if there is interest in getting together and sharing our Nintendo friend codes, maybe get some guild quests going...gotta get that HR up...
I've started a psn clan for MH4U players. Go ahead and join and we can share friend codes to hunt together. Currently within early high rank and farming for a relic cutting glaive. it's named ''Monster Hunters psn"
This game is the only reason I'm considering a 3dsXL, well that and Majora's mask
Me! I love it. HR7 right now
Got it recently, don't have too much time put in (just recently made it to Hearth). I decided to take up heavy bow-gunning because I liked the sniper in the untie Boise and it seems like a valuable and mostly unfilled role should I ever go online. My god I feel slow.
I'm playing it right now:)
If anyone wants to do some online this weekend, here's my Friend Code: 3110-4913-7361
I got it and I'm enjoying it so far. Haven't gotten many hours logged because of work, but I have Friday off and ill probably hit it hard all day while the girlfriend is at work.
I got it the other day, my first monster hunter title. I love it! I'm up to tier 4 in online, and tier 5 in single player. Gore Magala Insect Staff is bæ!
I've been trying to get a hold of it But I'm holding off until I can beat the gore magala in the demo
Is it weird that i like monster hunter-like games but ive never played monster hunter? For example, i played soul sacrifice and loved it, mainly for lore behind everything. The costumes and the theme the world had were great tho. I bought freedom wars, totally loved it, plot is alright, the gameplay is awesomr, but mostly the character customization hooked me in. Then i bought ragnarok odyseey Ace for $12 a few days ago from the flash sale on psn and i love its gameplay so much! U see where im going with this? Its weird, idk, monster hunter has my respect as a series, but i never played it or had an interest in doing so... its a strange thing that happened to me. <.< Keep in mind. Im not bashing monster hunter, i respect it as a series as i said before and i dont have anything against it but i guess it just doesnt pick my attention, hows the gameplay, plot, and customization in general? i feel like i should give it a go since i think i heared it released on vita also.