*Kicks bar door open*
I'm back assholes!
*Opens briefcase and poors money all over floor*
*takes all the money*
*Beats Whitigoh with briefcase*
Ahh I'm innocent
Beats N7Sentinel with- oh wait... I'm a ghost... I can't pick the briefcase up... Incinerates Whitigoh
*Sucks Dinorush into a vacuum*
Incinerates vacuum It's gonna take more than that bud.
*Sucks Dinorush into inflammable vacuum*
Really? I rescued you from Fletch's office, and this is how you repay me? [spoiler]How the heck are you gonna suck up a human ghoat. I could just move right out of the vacuum anyway.[/spoiler]
You attempted to beat me. Therefore you are currently a enemy. [spoiler]idk but apparently you needed to incinerate the last vacuum.[/spoiler]
I didn't need to incinerate the last one. It was a show of defiance. *floats upwards* But if that briefcase is such a trouble when I tried to continue the train, I could incinerate it here and now. *ghostly hand catches on fire*
You try it. *Biotic warp charges in hand*
*Throws flames at fireplace* Ahhhh..... That's more like it.....
But your a ghost. How can you feel that? *Biotic hand powers down*