Lately, gamers have gotten this strange delusion that they are "entitled".
That a game has to be perfect in order to be worth their time.
That tiny minute details can make a game terrible.
It's unbelievable how much people complain over really dumb things and spout the idea that unless a game fell directly from Jesus Christ's behaloed ass crack, It's bad and should be violently complained over.
The worst part is, they try to make it sound like the company's fault.
As if they have some sort of responsibility to the consumers.
Devs and companies are only out to make MONEY.
Gaming is an INDUSTRY that currently rivals other major industries such as Major League Sports and Cinema.
OF COURSE they're gonna be greedy bastards and demand as much money as they can fron you. We see that all the time in other major media.
Why do you think the Hunger Games Mockingjay was divided into 2 parts?
Why do you think TV is clogged with ads and endorsements?
This DOESN'T however mean you have to obey their agressive marketing.
If you don't like the business practices in current marketing, you have one major power as a consumer.
You reserve the right NOT TO GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY.
Rather than whining about it all over 4chan, just don't buy the game.
If it really is THAT bad people won't buy it and use up their money on it.
This will force the company to increase the quality of their releases and improve.
(Unless it's EA or Sega, then you're just boned)
The point is, the world doesn't revolve around you and you don't revolve around the world.
We need to remember the "Game" in the word Videogame.
(I am aware that I am also bitching)
(...about bitching.)
Edit: This isn't to say that all companies don't care about their fans, it just shouldn't even be worth your time to complain that big name companies are being greedy.
Especially when they've been that way the whole time.
It should be expected and ignored if it becomes a hindrance.
I honestly don't care for hype or reviews if the game is solid and is fun I will play it if the mechanics are good but the story is crap I will play it if the story is good but the mechanics crap I will play it that is all I look for in a game I never have high expectations for any game even destiny when it came out I was not even going to pick it up it came with the white ps4 pre order last year I had not owned a next gen console at that point so I figured why not get a white one to make it a special purchase destiny came along with it anyway afew months later I picked it up I threw on destiny after I finished infamous and enjoyed it the shooting was satisfactory and loved the lore to the game. If there is one thing I love about games like destiny it is lore people love the witcher games I do not I find them dreadfully boring people kept telling me they are excellent games including my brother so I gave 1 and 2 a go honestly the combat system was just QTE action and filled with lusty women if I wanted my character to sleep with a female npc I would have bloody flirted with them myself not be forced to all I got from the witcher was a Bamf with glowy eyes that likes to sleep with easy females and slay monsters whilst chugging down random tonics sorry I went alittle off topic anyway that was just my opinion I will only play games that interest me not games that are hyped up or has a huge following of gamers everyone has different interests and I like seeing that in all gamers don't get me wrong I used to be aboard the hype train every time it stopped at a station then I jumped off and walked back to my senses rather then following the masses end of rant I apologise for the length I just wanted to let you know not all gamers have ridiculous expectations