Because Hunters need to know that "floofing around" is [i]not[/i] a proper term for gliding!
No, its because we are interested in in anything BUT whatever a Warlock is explaining. Hey lets go look at that weird rock- Mr. Fruit Its a piece of obsidian - Ikora AAAAANNNNDDD you just ruined the moment- Mr. Fruit Gosh darn it Ikora - Jimmy
Floofing is the best description for it
sad ghostie sounds - old
and warlocks need to know that in crucible you dont [b][i][u]HAVE[/u][/i][/b] to melee for a shield you can be like hunters go in and out without one[spoiler]just for that sir you are on my troll list have fun watching the video [/spoiler] -
O bby a troll list
I think that's a pretty accurate description.
And warlocks should know that hunters aren't pussies just because their key ability is to go invisible.
No competent Warlock considers invisibility an act of cowardice. No competent Hunter would criticize flame shield. Using an ability for a tactical advantage or increasing survivability is something both classes can agree on.
Seems like a pretty accurate description from what we see...