Oh my word:
Europa and its respective Jovian moons, are as I just said MOONS, and a moon is not something exclusive
To earth that is just a term we give
The natural satellites orbiting all planets,
Our moon
Is actually called Luna(look it
Up its true), Jupiter and Saturn are Jovian planets meaning they are
Both gas giants, meaning made
ENTIRELY OF GAS, mostly hydrogen and helium, some neon and other trace gasses, they have no solid surface until thousands of
Kilometres below the surface,
The pressure at those depths would
Be enough to turn you into a small
Star, Europa and triton, and titan however are very interesting places because it is possible
That they could harbor life, and Europa is suspected to have water oceans and a molecular oxygen atmosphere!!!
Jovian planets are relevant. The Nine actually are the rulers of the Jovians, including our friend Xur
Edited by lMGPl_Mister_K: 2/21/2015 12:28:19 AMYes I know this, did you read my whole post?
Those are not part of the solar system though
Are you serious?
"Outer planets". look it up
They're called Jovian planets, that's what They call the gas giants , and the gas giants Are the outer planets, you look it up
newslash nerd this is a video game
I'm sorry that being intelligent is shunned in society, you keep being stupid we can all laugh at you when you move out of your parents house
Edited by mshelton023: 2/21/2015 12:35:02 AMlmfao, the fact that you are concerned about something like this indicates 2 things -you are a 40+ year old larper who lives with your parents and calls them your "roommates" -you will die a virgin
Oh By the way it figures some retard would reuse my insult and throw it back at me, nice job, the fact that you called me a nerd has shown everybody here how smart you are, so quit Trying to act like it's cool because It's not, unless You think people with Down syndrome are cool LOL
Edited by lMGPl_Mister_K: 2/21/2015 12:41:26 AMYes because I am intelligent I am automatically a virgin and someone who lives in his moms House, way to go champ you're what's wrong with the world
there you go, you admitted it. that's the first step. Kids like you who nitpick details like this on video games usually end up becoming furries. I'm just looking out for you so that this doesn't happen. It's never too late
Yes because playing video games and furries are related, you know what I'm going to actually assume that you might have Tourette's, I'm sorry that your a pathetic loser who couldn't finish school because you were too stupid, So you go on the Internet to insult people who did
[quote][b]your[/b] a pathetic loser[/quote] insults someone else's intelligence LOL
Also I'm sorry English was the only thing you may have( but probably not) passed in school LOL
Edited by mshelton023: 2/21/2015 1:03:43 AMPlease tell us more about your incredible intelligence, which doesn't seem to include mastery of 1st grade English XD
Edited by lMGPl_Mister_K: 2/21/2015 1:03:31 AMAt least I graduated past grade 12 to begin with LOL
cool story bro that explains the whole "your" "you're" thing still XD
Repeating themselves is something a retard does, I can see why you do it LOL
Nerd rage!
Yes I am very angry right now, actually I'm laughing my ass off, we have ourselves the scumbag of scumbags here, who only knows about 10 words, I don't think his brain can hold anymore, and I'm sure the size of his mouth if he had a brain bigger than a pea would make his head explode
Yes nerd, let the butthurt rage flow through you. Delete your Minecraft account, burn your magic the gathering cards, kick over your millennium falcon Lego model. You become more powerful with each post XD XD XD
And everyone sees how stupid you are with every post you make, I own none of Those things for one, and since you just decided to throw out those 3 things What Does that say about what you have hanging around?, that backfired didn't it, seriously you Make me laugh at how much of a Pathetic human being you are, completely useless to society I'm assuming too, please go kill yourself, we could use less retards on this planet and that body needs to be given to someone capable of using it properly
You gonna type up a whole essay or what nerd? Lmfao. You're so mad that your responses just get longer and longer XD Notice the use of your vs you're please LOL
I'm sorry That you can't read more Than a few words without having to have a break LOL