I voted no.
My reason?
Because NOTHING is earned in this game.
Its a game, not a job.
You play, you have fun, and you get random loot from random drops.
Whether that's a legendary engram dropping from a level 2 enemy on patrol, or opening a chest in VOG, or using coins to buy from Xur.
Its all random. (I don't know if Xur is ranndomised or are selected by Bungie but to me its random because I don't know what he will have each week.)
Anyone who feels they've "earned" anything in this game has probably never worked a day in their life.
My advice, get a job, get your first weeks/months wages and then you'll know a true feeling of earning.
But the strange coins from the weekly are not random
They may be a garunteed reward but they're not hard to get are they. I'm not hating on people who buy from Xur, I do it as well, all 3 of my Icebreakers came from him. But I never get a feeling of earning something when I do buy from him, in the same way I don't feel I've earned something when it randomly drops for me.