Uhhh where do you think the technique originated from..... derp
*face palm*
"Can't tell which is jump and which he typed....derp" Learn what you say before you say it, sometimes you don't understand what you said, and then look stupid trying to cover it with lies, that you meant it, or both the same.
Thanks for the moronic rant, bit I gave no idea what you are talking about.
Because you are too dumb to tell the different between, blink strike and blink jump.
Hahahahaha. You are too dumb to understand what I'm -blam!-ing talking about you retard. I'm REALLY not entertaining a total imbecile any longer.
The amousment of your denial that you mistaken blink strike with blink jump, blink jump is learnt from whorelock that learnt it from dragons, while there no lore or gimore relate blink strike to whorelocks.