Warlocks call themselves superior because they can self resurrect, that however is not true because us hunters don't die in the first place.
Hunters are way more squishy and die way more. Any self respecting warlock doesn't use fireborn, but uses radiant skin. Besides everyone knows that invisibility is a WAY larger crutch than self-res.
That may be true but the squishy part I don't agree with. It just takes skill motto die as a certain class. Also Rez is such a bigger clutch in ToO
Edited by Sparkinate: 5/26/2015 7:47:34 PMThat's garb, hunters are way better for trials. A sunsinger is lucky to do shit with his super/ self-res. If a hunter pops his super and doesn't wipe the entire other team, he's a bad hunter. Also it's a fact, not opinion that hunters have the lowest damage threshold. If you disagree that they're squishy, you're just plain wrong.
I understand hunters are better for ToO but a team of 3 sun singer warlocks with thorn is the cheepest way to play. They can all Rez and wipe your team at any given moment.
Sunsingers are so easy to kill, your just bad. Next time try headshotgunning a self res warlock and tell me if they can still wipe your whole team.
You have not even went flawless...
Have actually
If it's a triple team they all res at the same time and 1 hit with the melee. I understand a 1v1 isn't hard but if they all res and your team only has one. GG
Edited by Sparkinate: 6/7/2015 9:03:29 PMI'd be glad if they all wasted their super at the same time. Rest of the time should be smooth sailing then.
Yeah but not if they somehow went 4-4 with you
Then they deserve to win if they took you 8 games with no super
Why are you being ignorant? Your not a PvP legend just by looking at your stats so don't act like you are to invincible to be beat by some cheap tactic players
Lol. Getting salty at logic doesn't prove your point.
No but being logical does. And this has never happened to me I was just expressing a tougher situation.
Also, I never had a hard time wiping out a few self resers in trials.
What? You die as well! Not saying you are bad, because you are GREAT. Just clarifying Hunters are not Invincible
Now you see, you say [i]Warlocks[/i] that is a generalization. You don't hate [i]Warlocks[/i] you hate [i]sunsingers[/i]. I doubt you have a problem voidwalkers.
At least we are brave and don't use invisibility.
Just as kingfinnrick said about sunsingers and voidwalkers. You are referring to bladedancers not gunslingers. The only way gunslinger can go invis is with DTMs which if you're wearing those as gunslinger you're just plain stupid
Edited by Space Jesus: 3/15/2015 3:31:27 AMI did this to show how stupid people are when they say a class is better than the others. I actually like all the classes. Read more before you call people stupid.
Edited by TheGreenDragon: 3/15/2015 4:22:55 AMOne I didnt call you stupid unless you wear DTMs as a gunslinger and two you're post literally said " we are brave and dont need to go invisible" no lol or anything to show you were being sarcastic unless it was in later comments but idk because my died right after I posted my comment Edit: just read through comments and realized you were agreeimg with kingfinnrick. My bad :p
I admit I read it wrong but you read my explanation wrong too. I am impersonating someone who does act like that to show how stupid they sound.
Yea I think we're on the same page now. So lets try this again. We both think that people that act like this are stupid. Agreed?