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originally posted in: Kid and Kermit Situation
Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/20/2015 10:17:13 AM
The acts of -blam!- and playing video games are by no means comparable. The environments and settings in which these scenarios take place are indeed comparable, warranting an [i]analogy[/i]. Here we have an analogy, defined as: "a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification". Hyperboles are not analogies; that is correct. But this is an analogy.

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  • Not even remotely. his situation could be avoided by his parents simply not buying him a $400 baby sitter for Christmas. Use parental controls and none of this would have happened. ignorance is not an excuse.

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/20/2015 10:18:57 AM
    You can try and deflect my well structured points with all the irrelevancies you'd like, kid. It's still an analogy, by definition of an analogy.

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  • Btw the two situations you are comparing aren't comparable "on basis of their structure" so by definition it's not an analogy. lol the kid will NOT be getting anything from bungie and I for one am glad. I'll enjoy my 3 characters and not let people I don't know use my account :)

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/20/2015 10:28:41 AM
    Sexual assault of a minor: Adult takes advantage of unsuspecting and naive child. What happened here: Adult took advantage of unsuspecting and naive child. They are comparable on the basis of structure. [spoiler]really, maybe you're just thinking too hard about this analogy thing?? You seem to be having a rough time.[/spoiler]

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  • Sexual assault isn't always an adult either.

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/20/2015 10:32:13 AM
    You can try and deflect my well structured points with all the irrelevancies you'd like, kid. It's still an analogy, by definition of an analogy. You like that copypasta?? That's really the only choice you're leaving me with. That doesn't change the basis on which the two scenarios can be compared lol..

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  • They're not comparable lol copy and paste all you want. it doesn't change that you're wrong. here's hoping you or someone close to you can experience it do you can see how it changes someone. unlike having a character deleted, which is easy to get over.

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/20/2015 10:45:16 AM
    Thank you for hoping that someone close to me is a victim of sexual assault, really paints the picture of who I'm talking to lol, for myself and everyone perusing this thread. You're correct in that the emotional burden of being victimized by these aren't similar, but the initial argument was whether or not this is a form of victim shaming, in which they are still comparable on the basis of structure. That is where the comparison is, not in the emotional toll of either. [spoiler]you're killin it with these analogies tonight, buddy lol[/spoiler]

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  • I never specifically said sexual assault lol you just assumed so nice try idiot

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/20/2015 9:14:05 PM
    You vaguely said that one of either of the two things should happen to someone close to me, nice try. No form of rebuttal to any of the valid points I've posted? That's because you have none; you've taken your own rug out from underneath you. [spoiler]sorry, forgot metaphors and analogies aren't your thing[/spoiler]

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  • Metaphors and analogies are fine, hyperboles aren't really useful when debating. Like you said I vaguely said one of the two and you automatically assumed sexual assault, why? because it's the worst one out of the two. as in not on the same level and not comparable. :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] And none of your points are facts they're all opinion. it's a FACT the kid broke terms of service and should be banned KirmitTheFrog didn't break any ToS.

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/21/2015 5:00:34 PM
    Me assuming what you meant doesn't prove anything in your favor, fella. Use empirical logic to support your facts like I do, and you'll have yourself some actual points! Just because you say my facts are opinion doesn't mean it's opinion lol.. Go home troll. You don't even point out any particular points or have any reasoning why they're not actually fact.

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  • they're not fact because their opinion.....

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  • *sound of Jared walking away with his tail between his legs*

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  • God, you're an idiot lmao. keep spouting opinion as fact

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/21/2015 6:37:03 PM
    Fact: sexual assault and this particular instance are comparable on the grounds that victim blaming seems to be a popular reaction to them. Period. Not opinion. If you think that's an opinion, then you not only are lacking some serious analytical skills, but you don't know what an "opinion" is and what a "fact" is. Those are likely valid theories, lest your stupidity is a case of voluntary denial, then you're just a bad troll lol You have not shown me what particular points I've made are based in opinion rather than fact, because you cannot; as facts are not based in opinion, therefore: my claims are not opinion. I do not expect you to address this however, as it's apparent that your pompous ego will not allow you to. Not to mention not addressing the fact that you [b]actually did[/b] wish sexual assault upon someone close to me. You, sir, are a piece to pity. [spoiler]see how my claims are based in empirically verified fact?? That's what you're not doing lol[/spoiler]

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  • Please show me where I explicitly said I hope someone close to you is sexually assaulted. And no that is not a fact it's an opinion.

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  • You should count the times you've been backed into a corner in this thread alone, it's actually really funny!

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  • It's actually zero because you literally keep telling me your opinion. as if it honestly matters. in a week from now when you get into a game with a young kid you'll be an absolute hypothetical -blam!- and mock him for being a squeaker. enjoy your 15 minutes of being a white knight you nerd. I'll keep laughing at the kids tears and everyone else who blames this pathetic display of parenting on a troll.

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/22/2015 5:21:18 PM
    Since you refuse to tell me what points of mine specifically are opinion, and refuse to show me how they're opinion, I have no choice but to go through each and every one of my points and show you how they are indeed empirically verified fact. You're wrong. Period. The 14 different people that collectively liked different posts of my arguments on here a total of 37 times over the last 2 days think you're a -blam!-ing moron. I've had 3 friends read things you write, and tell me, "this kid's a tool, post that dumb bitch on Reddit for everyone to laugh at." I'm only still here because your voluntary denial is going to make a really good read for anyone who wants a good laugh once it's transcribed. All you do is bring up something irrelevant to any sort of argument whenever I back you into a corner, and it's hilarious! Your only argument is, "that's just your opinion man"! You obviously don't know the difference between personal opinion and empirically verified fact, and it's very apparent to [b]everyone[/b] who reads this!

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  • Everything. EVERYTHING you've said. idk how much clearer everything can be but ever sentence you've somehow managed to construct has come from your opinion. because this whole situation is opinion based. Some people think he's a dick others don't. something he broke ToS some don't. Opinion is everything in this whole situation. the one true fact is the kid gave control of his account to someone online he's never met and paid the consequences. Make all the posts you want but bungie will not give him his gear back. People said he's been given FOAF but it's actually false. people said kirmit was banned or suspended also false. the one true thing is the kids parents didn't care enough to take 5 minutes to learn the system they bought to babysit their kid who struggles to pronounce simple words.

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/22/2015 5:50:54 PM
    [b]First claim, in regards to the argument of whether or not victim blaming related this case to sexual assault:[/b] [quote]The acts of -blam!- and playing video games are by no means comparable. The environments and settings in which these scenarios take place are indeed comparable, warranting an [i]analogy[/i].[/quote] [b]Why it's not an opinion:[/b] It's a fact that in cases of sexual assault of a minor (also known as statutory -blam!-), an adult takes advantage of an unsuspecting and naive child. It's a fact that in this case, an Adult took advantage of an unsuspecting and naive child. It's a fact that in cases of sexual assault of a person of age, victim blaming is a common tactic used to defend the alleged perpetrator. It's a fact that in this case, victim blaming is a common tactic used to defend the alleged perpetrator. ([i]If you need to empirically verify those as fact too, I certainly will![/i]) [b]Therefor:[/b] Kermit's case is comparable with these two cases of sexual assault on the grounds that: A) An adult took advantage of an unsuspecting and naive child. B) Victim blaming is a common tactic used to defend the alleged perpetrator. [spoiler]Next I'll use [b]science[/b] to show you how this is, by definition of an [i]analogy[/i], indeed an analogy. After, I'll go over you telling me that you hope someone close to me is a victim of sexual assault [b]again[/b], just cause I really like to rub that one in![/spoiler] PPS: "but that's just, like, your opinion, man". Doesn't work here.

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  • Also kirmit didn't commit a crime. sexual assault is a crime. deleting a character is not

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  • Edited by freshlydunbread: 2/22/2015 5:51:38 PM
    I didn't say they were comparable on the grounds of repercussive ability, I just told you what grounds they're comparable on.

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  • but like I said it's not comparable. in your opinion it is. in mine it's not. see now we're back on opinions. :] sexual assault scars people sexual assault can lead to suicide sexual assault can ruin someone. This in no way can. That's like saying you can compare dying to being asleep the only difference is you wake up. Driving is the same as a car accident but in one your car isn't damaged. Stepping in a puddle is the same as swimming because you get wet either way. Victim blaming isn't only in sexual assault. ferguson Mi victim blaming. Eric Garner in NYC victim blaming.

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