Jupiter is actually a failed star. If it had a little itty bit more mass when the solar system was forming, it could have actually collapsed into another sun, making our solar system a binary system.
It seams [i]you[/i] have to go back to school.
A wee bit more? U would have to slam two Jupiter's in a hadron collider together to even begin to try to spark the hydrogen and helium fusing together and ignite the flame to cause the burn to be even considered somewhat a Sun. People often call it a failed star because it consists of those two elements in the many gases Jupiter has.
No it could have been a star if it was bigger. It's not a failed star
It's not a star at all. It has too many other gases to have ever been a star
I never said it was a star but that statement is false. NASA has stated many times jupiter could have be a star if it had a greater mass
That's the same as saying earth could have been a star if it has more gas
No the earth was nowhere near it. Jupiter was close