does anybody want a normal without any misthic powers swordfight.? anybody
*sits down with kelpie and watches you two argue*
this is no argument this si me answering someone that is just insulting me fro a roleplay battle
i see
i never insulted him. idnt even said he was Godmodding I was having some fun. i never insuletd him
i understand
*hugs* ONLY YOU UNDERSTAND MY INSANITY!!!!!!!!!! *manly teears*
there there *pats back*
*hugs MORE!!!*
feeling better?
Srsly wtf is a kelpie?
like id know as far as i undrstand seems to be a a helper spirit or somehting
* throws wraith sword into forge * * pulls out green flamed katana * You take the first move * readys katana *
Walks away. Anyone wants duel without any Powers or magic. just to flat sticks of steel clashing each other?
Im not using powers or magic What? Because i rekt you you're scared? Hah * gos and grabs my wraith sword back * * begins to swing at a dummy * What a pussy
i am jsut gonna wait for someone without GOd mode active the whole time. floating killer swords. or Narutto style decoy jutsus to challenge me
I use none of that Its [b]you[/b] godmoding and implying that you can just beat someone with some stupid mech and vacuum shit
escuse me you used god mode first. off all second a green flaming katan its magic and you cant bullshit me with that
The green flame is magic that absorbs the soul of people i kill it doesnt do any magic other than making it stronger the more i absorb
-.- wait...warlock...-blam!-ING DESTICLE oh god you are dead to me anything you do i will just ignore
ok like i care. and second Warlock isnt Destiny exclusive. Warlocks (as far as i have read) Are wizards that manage dark art and fireballs
Lol you are a desticle you only have 1 follower and 1 year
You fight with one of my brothers? I end you. *Kills* *Obliterates* *END OF DISCUSSION* *CANNOT RETALIATE*