Keep in mind:
-ISIS has guns and vehicles, while the crusaders have horses, swords, armour, and shields
-Fight would be on open plain: no buildings, no turrets
-Both groups can plan their strategy, they aren't just charging each other
Based on the provided information, who would win this battle?
-Remeber the armour is iron on the crusaders
-There is about 1 1/2 miles inbetween the two forces
-The ISIS members have non-modified AKs: they cannot deploy a stand to decrease their recoil, and they don't have any grips or extended mags (30 rounds per clip)
-ISIS has unlimited ammo (still have to reload when their clip runs out though)
-ISIS doesn't have rpgs, only AKs
-The horses have armour too (standard armour)
[b]Also, you should consider:[/b]
-There are 10 crusaders for each ISIS member. Basically, it's like having 10 people charge you, while you only have 30 rounds to kill them, and they have some protection. (taking into mind that if 10 people charged you, you wouldn't necesarily be able to reload)
-Iron is protective to an extent: the armour might help to reduce the power of a bullet, and won't help against a barrage, but will help against spraying and praying.
ISIS would win with explosives, but without them, the Crusaders. Them Crusaders be crazy.