cool story bro
that explains the whole "your" "you're" thing still XD
Repeating themselves is something a retard does, I can see why you do it LOL
Nerd rage!
Yes I am very angry right now, actually I'm laughing my ass off, we have ourselves the scumbag of scumbags here, who only knows about 10 words, I don't think his brain can hold anymore, and I'm sure the size of his mouth if he had a brain bigger than a pea would make his head explode
Yes nerd, let the butthurt rage flow through you. Delete your Minecraft account, burn your magic the gathering cards, kick over your millennium falcon Lego model. You become more powerful with each post XD XD XD
And everyone sees how stupid you are with every post you make, I own none of Those things for one, and since you just decided to throw out those 3 things What Does that say about what you have hanging around?, that backfired didn't it, seriously you Make me laugh at how much of a Pathetic human being you are, completely useless to society I'm assuming too, please go kill yourself, we could use less retards on this planet and that body needs to be given to someone capable of using it properly
You gonna type up a whole essay or what nerd? Lmfao. You're so mad that your responses just get longer and longer XD Notice the use of your vs you're please LOL
I'm sorry That you can't read more Than a few words without having to have a break LOL
Still trying to get the last word poindexter? I think I struck a nerve LOL