Well it's just that usually magikarp evolves into gyrados. In fact, it always does, when it evolves.
No I think you're wrong. I'm pretty sure he's always evolved into Michael Phelps.
Nope, not magikarp.
yes it does!
'Fraid not.
okay then prove it
[url=http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/3520952/magikarp-gyarados-o.gif]Live footage.[/url]
Dude are you serious? Anyone can easily tell that that was photoshopped. Ask UlcaM if you don't believe me.
I would, but he's probably on the take. Also it's live footage, it didn't have the opportunity to be tampered with.
It was live footage of it being photoshopped.
Nope. Just the regular kind of live footage.
Edited by Ben: 2/21/2015 7:53:29 AMK [b] [/b]
tank you
You're still wrong.
[spoiler]you do know I'm kidding right???????[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yeh m8[/spoiler]No u
You're right I went [spoiler]Full penius, er I mean Genius..... oops heh heh[/spoiler]
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(๑ ऀืົཽ₍₍ළ₎₎ ऀืົཽ)★
You cannot hope to match me, little one. I am beyond your ken.
fite meh m8
[url=http://i.ytimg.com/vi/lr_ZZ87inuI/maxresdefault.jpg]u wot[/url]
[u] [/u]