I usually want to play the game not watch cutscenes but maybe that's just me
Nice cinematic cut scenes make games more enjoyable , showing the plot the characters development, makes games better , half a billion dollars and the best cut scene we got was I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain with hardly any content in the game except what you read on your phone and the carrot on the stick ( g horn ) is all we get that's ridiculous I don't care what anyone says if you don't like cut scenes that's fine but to say that the story isn't lazy is blasphemous
Just because you don't agree with their creative choices ( newsflash it's their game not your ) doesn't mean they're lazy and to say so makes you sound ignorant
I hate when the word "ignorant" is tossed around to try and discredit someone. It doesn't prove someone's lack of intelligence and it doesn't make you sound any more intelligent. And yes it is "their" game, no one is arguing you there, but to keep working on "their" game they need the support and money of the consumer meaning I do get a say as to what I'm expecting from the game. If a lot of people share the same belief then bungie will have to comply to a certain extent. If they don't "their" game would lose funding and where would it be. I've seen people who didn't get the season pass just move on to other games after the dlc release.