The Random Number Generator has been LAUGHING IN MY FACE. Bungie needs to have an item that you get 1\15 crucible matches (Which most of the time I can't complete because of the stupid bee error) and every time you use it, the item increases the chances of getting an exotic or legendary FOR ONLY THAT MATCH, because if it were any more, It would be OP as... The vex mythoclast! so bungie, get to work on it... Any one else agree?
Edited by FreeziePG: 2/21/2015 6:14:07 PMSince there is 22? Exotics (guns) in the game and there is NF, raids, crucible, and strikes to get them...there is a low chance in all to get an exotic. "Or an exotic you don't already own" I suggest play what you want to play in destiny, if you try to get an exotic you won't most of the time. I do agree that the crucible should be a skilled exotic drop. Dropped only to the top 3? Or just top player of the winning team, with still a rare chance for it to drop. I can sit down and do nothing in crucible to get a gally, if I wanted to. Only bad thing about this idea is that low level players who suck at crucible won't play because they will get nothing exotic, decreasing popularity in crucible.