Its getting under my skin more and more each week when someone who doesn't use the sword and is not that experienced with the raid attempts to give advice on how many times to hit Crota when he's down, what button combination is best, or my personal favorite every time I approach Crota: "Let us know when to shoot!". No shit, kid.
Bungie, this is your fault. From each player's name in a fireteam lobby, we should be able to access the most basic stats like how many normal/hard raid completions a player has and how many sword kills a person has. This would prevent those ever-annoying backseat swordrunners and newbs in general from trying to assert themselves over people who have real experience. It would also be a nice show-off aspect of the game since everyone and their mom has the glowhoo shader by now. Give us SOMETHING to differentiate our achievements!!
More on that here:
U seem to not be able to handle team work. I still say the same things when I play it. Why cause there are still runners that don't make the call and they die and it's our fault.