28 Hunter on PS4, looking for friendly, fun people (preferably with mic) to form a super social fireteam with!
Seeing as I'm pretty much online everyday whenever I see fit, it doesn't matter which timezone you live in.
So if you want someone to do bounties, raids, daily, weekly or whatever else while having a good time and laughing with friends, any day of the week, feel free to add or PM me. Tag same as above :)
Edited by Gothic_Mando: 2/24/2015 1:32:08 PMHeya im also always on the lookout for friendly fun people to have a laugh with too! im from the UK, enjoy using my mic and have a level 22 Titan ^^ i only enjoy playing with chatty people, otherwise it just feels like i'm playing with super competent AI, which feels kinda boring. Message if interested! my PS4 username is the same as this one : ) Oh, and im also usually online in the evenings.
Pick me
Hey man we should play 30 titain and 28 hunter need help on raids and stuff want be 32
Xbox or Ps4