Is the Sniper LDR5001 good? Should i buy it or should i buy a another sniper?
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Longbow synthesis sold by the crucible handler is good too. Field scout means you have more ammo, and larger magazine. I find that the Longbow is snappier than the LDR. Both are excellent snipers.
Been using an arc ldr with surplus, armour pieircing, and firefly as my go to legendary sniper. Got a void one with surplus, send it, and firefly recently.........dismantled my void longbow synthesis (it had crappy perks tho)
Check my LDR on my 32 warlock. I love using it.
The tower one is great for Crota. You can snipe the swordbearer through the rocks when he decides to hide with armor piercing.
Mine has spray and pray, armour piercing and firefly. It rocks.
It has armor piercing rounds and if you're good enough you can catch people in cover and behind doors, but other than that it's not fantastic stock from tower. You can get good rolls on it from Vanguard levels and engrams though. If you don't have any good snipers, it's alright.
I like the mine better than Patience and Time and Icebreaker
Buy the vendor one. It's amazing
Mine is Arc with Firefly. It murders .
Hold on... LDR has 3 letters at the end of the weapon name is a 1. Illuminati has 3 sides and 1 eye. [b]Illuminati confirmed[/b]
It's a pretty good piece... Mine is the arc damage vanguard unit with the 'unflinching' and 'clown cartridge' perks which more often than you might expect kicks in and helps make up for the 4 shot limit per reload. It's still got two damage upgrades left to go and it already rocks pretty damn good. What I also like is that it doesn't have 'firefly' but it occasionally DOES explode my prey...
It's deadly with thorn... Armor piercing and thorn lets you know where they're hiding
i have 3 arc all brought from vendor, awesome for wallbanging, also a void,and solar that came from drops these come in handy for nightfalls if i dont want to use icebreakers. i recommend you buy one!!
I have it. It's great
Edited by KC x LOKO: 2/22/2015 7:14:41 PMI got a void one with firefly, and one extra damage bullet, came as a vanguard package. Still working on it, think it's going to be beastly. Edit: not extra damage, extra ammo on spawn
I have an arc, solar and void very useful
Yep, got a couple of arc and couple of solar, good solid sniper for when you want an exotic primary/heavy
I use it more than my Icebreaker AND raid snipers, damn good rifle.
The Vanguard actually sells a good LDR I bought it and have no regrets. I use it second after Black Hammer. The impact is damn good.
Buy it. You can shoot through walls
Edited by Danjo14026129: 2/22/2015 6:37:07 PMIt is a good sniper got lucky with the perk tho Performance bonus, field scout, and firefly But still wish for a black hammer
I have two of them, the elemental damage helps and shooting through walls in PvP is too much fun
Bought it some time ago. I like it. Especially since I don't have a arc sniper on my main warlock. Reminds me a lot of the epitaph.
Mine is Void with Outlaw, Unflinching and Field Scout. The Unflinching perk isn't my fav but a 6 round mag is f'ing killer especially on a Nightfall with Void burn.
Does anyone think it is better than praedyths revenge for pvp because if it is I may get it