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2/22/2015 8:40:02 AM

Thourn should be banned from crucible!

Thuorn should be removed from any PvP mode. I am sick and tired of people hitting me with it then running away and leaving me to succumb to the acid death it brings. Using guns like suros or the mythoclast takes practice and skill to master but that stupid Theron takes no skill and is so easy to get! BUNGIE PLEASE NURF NOW!!!!

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  • Lol butthurt much

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  • We will ban Thourn but not Thorn

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    • Your welcome [quote][quote]Let's consider some points shall we •The Thorn bounty is the hardest exotic bounty in the game. It requires the most time and skill out of the exotic bounties. Therefore, it is only for that theI don't think Thorn is OP. Let me make that clear. I believe the only thing left to balance the crucible is buffing the auto rifles. That's it. The best weapon be rewarded for the hardest task. •Red Death can kill a guardian at full health with two pulls of the trigger, just like Thorn. There's a counter. •The Last Word does 77 damage I think per headshot and there's a glitch where it can possible do around 111. That means the last word can two shot you and with the rate of fire being twice as fast as Thorn's, it's an easy counter. •Two [b][i][u]precision[/u][/i][/b] shots can kill someone when using Thorn. Let me ask you, doesn't a steady hand need to be rewarded when playing the crucible? If you allow a Thorn user to land two headshots on you, then you've been out played. You could have killed him first, dodged the bullets, or simply avoided the encounter. To blame your death on the gun is irresponsible, and frankly childish. Blaming your lack of skill on the opponents weapon. And yes you can say "Look at my KD! I have skill!" But if you lack the competence to interject one of those three methods, you have no skill. •If you want to get technical, it takes three headshots to kill someone with Thorn. Considering the burn will kill you with two headshots, allow about 3 seconds for the opponent to get off a couple of rounds at you. Considering the Thorn user didn't ambush you, you should be able to kill him before the burn kills you. Again, considering you have skill. •Thorn was meant to be a long to mid range weapon, rivaling that of some scout rifles. To nerf the range of Thorn would render the weapon useless, because that's where it was intended to excel. •Nerfing Thorn's signature perk would reduce the weapon down to a standard handcannon. Making it not worth the exotic slot. •Thorn isn't an RNG drop. You are welcomed to pick one up yourself since it's so "overpowered" in your eyes. If I were you, I'd pick one up instead of whining about it like a Christmas noob. •No land beyond, universal remote, three little words, red death and Hawkmoon can all kill you in two shots or less. And if you take in the glitch, so would the last word. So to say there isn't s counter for the weapon would be idiotic to say the least since I counted 6 weapons off of the top of my head that kills just as fast. •If you are going to nerf Thorn because of it two shoting people, by fairness, you should nerf the weapons mentioned in the previous bullet point. In conclusion, stop putting your head in the way of the poison daggers. Guaranteed 100% foolproof solution to your problem.[/quote][/quote]

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      • Edited by EzE: 4/18/2015 12:50:43 AM
        What's a thourn thuorn or theron ?

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      • How can you spell Thorn wrong 2 different ways? Impressive. *Darth Vader voice* Most impressive.

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        3 Replies
        • the only way I can see that happening is if you allow somebody to file share and delete all your characters

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        • Dude is it just me but when i go to look at his characters it only shows one character and it is lvl 1.

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          • Exactly which weapon are you talking about?

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          • I have 2 but rarely use it in crucible. After the recent crucible ammo nerf it has exploded in use in the crucible. It'll be getting a nerf in the future I think.

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            2 Replies
            • oh cool. i thought you wanted to nerf or ban the Thorn.

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            • Where's the #satire

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            • 56... 57 ......58 ..... 59 one more thorn post and I'll have 60

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            • You should be removed from crucible you little stupid ass bitch I don't give a -blam!- about you or anything that you say

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            • Edited by Aviixe: 4/17/2015 11:51:26 PM
              Not sure what kind of thread this is.

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            • Thorn. ...... son of thrane

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              • Has a thorn & complains about it *Logic *

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              • I agree. It should be banned

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              • Nice spelling

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              • Lord shaxx lagswitches breh

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              • Lol, thourn

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              • Edited by Legion: 4/17/2015 11:14:27 PM
                Thorn was dredgen yor's weapon. Yor literally NEVER died in the crucible ONCE in his 3 years playing it, and he used his rose. He turned his rose into the thorn, and he started killing guardians. (Like, killed the guardian then killed the ghost) the thorn is a killers weapon, so no. Go back to CoD scrub. Oh, before you go, actually get the weapon. Level it, then come back. #gitgudskrub

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                4 Replies
                • You have a Thuorn???? OMG YOU ARE GOD! How did you get this rare gun that only you have?

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                • Says the guy with 3,000 kills with it... Smh.. This community is so bad.

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                • Thorn + Fellwinter's lie + Jolder's hammer = Butthurt tears.

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                • If you had thorn would u want it removed

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                • Crucible should be banned from crucible

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