Why waste your exotic slot on a heavy weapon? Unless it's Truth there is no reason to waste your exotic slot. The Hunger of Crota is an amazing rocket launcher it tracks and doesn't waste your exotic slot soooo? Beside Gjallahorn is kinda pathetic anyway. The wolf rounds are like a bee swarm but they don't do enough damage to be good. Gjallahorn just sucks. 'Nuff said
But literally all trolling aside I do think that hunger is better.
Edit 1: For anyone who is younger than 15 years old the < sign means less than. So you guys know. This can also go for anyone over 30 who isn't familiar with algebra. (Which is basically all of them)
See trolling is just annoying if it isn't funny
Clearly a troll lol And not a good one. If this isn't a troll you need to reevaluate how you gauge a guns power
Looks at profile and grim and just laughs at just another person who is ticked off Cuz they can't get the rng to give them a gally. Just more tears in the bucket my friend
Hunger is like Fury (when rolled right), it's good, but it's not Gjallarhorn.
Hunger is good for swarms. Gjallarhorn is good for single big targets.
N1c3 b8 8/8 m8
Nice trolling
OP is troll