*First Speculation*
Lately my group and I have been venturing back into the Vault of Glass to attempt a discovery of a new chest. Not finding anything a long time ago, we were discouraged by the fact that we believed there wasn't anything left to be found. Then, this comment was found on Youtube... My friend sent this to me but he is unsure of the name of the video and we are now unable to find the comment. Either way, the quote that this person said, is from a Bungie employee. My friend claims to have heard of this "LRI" guy and said that he MIGHT be one of the raid designers. He does assure to me that he does work for Bungie, though. The quote/picture proof is in the link below.
On to the speculation. The quote makes mention of the chest to have "lied between future and past, but not present." As we know, the only time in between the future and past IS present. This must mean it represents something physical. We have considered this to meaning something about the portal in between the jump puzzle and atheon's room, but then my attention turned elsewhere... Whilst activating the gates to summon Atheon, I remembered how the "past" portal is on the left and the "future" portal is on the right. Then I looked in between them... That little island used for killing Atheon many times over. It COULD be considered a large pedestal. It's the only thing in between "past and future." Could this possibly be where the chest could spawn? Maybe both portals must be kept open for the entirety of the boss fight? Could it have been under our noses (literally) all along? Unfortunately after killing Atheon, we were killing instantly due to being lost in time, even though he died. We were unable to look around by even going back into the portals to look around again.
It gets better. We automatically assume that Atheon must be defeated to retrieve this chest because the quote also says "Time is broken, but it can be fixed, for people have mended it before and left without questioning, what changed." We assumed that killing Atheon will "fix" time which is why we believe something happens on that middle island block AFTER the fight.
Something that really assures this for me is that it says "for people have mended it before and left without questioning, what changed." This could mean that MANY of us have completed the VOG, but didn't look around enough to see what changed. This quote almost seems to assure that something happens AFTER the fight.
What do you guys think? Do you have hope for there to be a chest here? What are your thoughts? What else have you heard?
Here's to hoping that some people still care for the Vault of Glass. Please share what you think and spread the post so that others can see our ideas. I look forward to reading any responses!
Edit1: I also realize that the commenter says that the quote is about that "secret cave" in the jump puzzle area. The employee DID NOT say anything about that cave. He only made mention of the past and future deal. Though if it is, then maybe there must be a way to return there AFTER the atheon kill?
Edit2: Made it to Trending! :D Hearing some great ideas and suggestions
Edit3: If you want to explore sometime, I play on the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One.
*Second Speculation*
Most of us have seen that tiny hole in the side of the jump puzzle room right? If you have then I'm sure we have all thought the same thing... chest? Well I am not sure whether this was Photoshopped or is legit but my friend found a picture of a chest sitting on a little rock. Could this rock be the "pedestal" mentioned in the quote? Maybe something must be triggered to summon the chest here? Maybe there are actually two missing chests? Picture link below.
Copied From My Raid Friend: http://lzygmrs.com/destiny/vault-of-glass-includes-sixth-secret-chest/6857/
"Proof of the 6th/7th chest during the Dads of Destiny tag along live stream last week. It was confirmed by Lead World Artist: Rob Adams, and Senior Raid Designer: Gavin Irby"
And yes I know he said he misheard the question, but it was pretty straight forward. It could be just as easy that Bungie didn't actually want us to know 100%. Plus, he didn't say there wasn't anything else. There is still hope. If that Christmas post is true, then that might be some kind of proof.
have wondered if there is something in the deleted jumping puzzle that you can access down below the 1st chest. kind of a crazy area that takes you up above the templar when completed
Edited by Batosai59: 2/23/2015 9:09:54 AMJust throwing some things out there. During the atheon fight 3 get teleported to kill oracles. When the 3 leave, if 2 runs through the portal at the same time, one makes it back to the group, the other ends up in what appears to be the same place but different? Like dark? We always assumed it was a glitch, has anyone explored it?
Edited by SickChocThunder: 2/23/2015 8:12:27 AMA few things: To those who say it'll be Ascendant shards, it's figuring out the puzzle that's the reward! Next: Anyone tried having 3x members on each portal as atheon opens time stream? Everyone always hides behind stuff. - Perhaps keeping both portals open during the whole fight?? The time after killing atheon is probably meant for something, to figure another puzzle, that may/not be activated during the fight? Love the idea of the centre pedestal - Trouble is this: the OP seems to point in the right direction but subsequent posts (although brilliant theories) take us off on a tangent. Let's stick to what is said in the OP and theorise about that....adding to it perhaps? Edit: if people have left, this means it's been partly solved, and people have gone back to orbit - so not that difficult - something we're already doing or have done during the atheon fight - It's just something later on attending the end that's the final part of the puzzle? Most of the puzzles in the vog aren't super duper difficult, with a myriad of possibilities they'd never get solved, we're thinking too hard, over complicating things Do something we're already doing or have done during atheon then that missing something at the end, play around with the time gates and A Pedestal?
The thing that me and my crew have tried with no success is beating Atheon without Times Vengeance. Don't really know if it could be done, but we think it might have something to do with it.
Hey so me and this fireteam were fighting atheon and we tried to kill him in the first times vengeance. We succeeded in doing so and also had damage on atheon from the relic. We went through the portal which we were not teleported into before killing oracles etc. We did not become marked by the void. We were free to explore. Eventually we all died from falling trying to climb what looks to be a tree that is climbable to higher area. Someone must stay outside in the present to keep us from getting lost in time. I dont know if anyones done this or can debunk that there is no chest after killing atheon by this method but we were not marked inside the portal. Please feel free to send me a message on xbox gt L Darth Heff L.
In the jump room maze thingo, there is a portal at the end of it. As your all standing there waiting for your team to finish the jump maze look behind you and a little to the right. There is an island there which has a portal ring on it... Perhaps after killing atheon you can somehow get back to the jump room via the teleporters? They wouldnt put a random island in there for nothing
Hey so me and this fireteam were fighting atheon and we tried to kill him in the first times vengeance. We succeeded in doing so and also had damage on atheon from the relic. We went through the portal which we were not teleported into before killing oracles etc. We did not become marked by the void. We were free to explore. Eventually we all died from falling trying to climb what looks to be a tree that is climbable to higher area. Someone must stay outside in the present to keep us from getting lost in time. I dont know if anyones done this or can debunk that there is no chest after killing atheon by this method but we were not marked inside the portal. Please feel free to send me a message on xbox gt L Darth Heff L.
I enjoy looking and hunting for chest if there any room just invite me I'm on the xbox one my GT ilsmokerli
Has anyone tried stopping the templar from teleporting with the relic ? (On loading screen if you all die it has templar teleport counts) could you activate something if you stop him from teleporting every time ?? Then when your team takes him down does the cleansing spot where you pick up the relic from have anything to do with it ?? Similar door at the back like the first bit when you form spire ??
I dont know if this is something yet, have too check myself but maybe someone can check it too. My hunter has a glitched gorgons cp right now. Glitched in the way, that you spawn at the door behind templar and if you go down, it DOESNT activate the next cp. That way all chests are closed and the exit too. So me and a couple of friends started exploring. In the gorgon maze is nothing interesting too be found. Only thing we did think of was that after you kill a gorgon, they dont respawn at that spot. So maybe if they spawn from a secret tunnel? Still looking into this. But at the door from templar, we did found a tunnel. It was sealed off tho in the same way as the exit was. So maybe when it isnt glitched, the path will be open. Roufly right side of the door with some jumping. As how my cp got glitched into this, i dont know. What i remember is that i was relic holder, dropped the relic and took the final shot at the templar. Friends got hammered down by him and wanted too end it quick. Then we took the secret path too the exotic chest and after the chest i lagged out of destiny and decided too do something else. When i came back and wanted too continue too gatekeeper solo, i found the glitch. The exit was sealed off by a wall and if gorgons's gaze got me, i died. But 5 seconds later could respawn at that spot. The no-respawn zone just didnt kick in. Even when friends joined me and jumped down too. Gorgons also didnt regen health so killing them is easier. After 3 kills, bullets said imune, but they still took damage. So i will check this too now that i am done with IB.
Kills Atheon 3go left portal 3go right portal jump to middle platform could the chest b there?
Kill Atheon without any Times Vengeance
So it's come to this... We all have so many exotics and level 32s that this is what people are doing on the game now. There is no chest that has not been found but people would rather use this as an excuse to play Destiny than to put it down. I'll be on NHL 15
Past and present are the two portals in atheons room. Whatever needs to be done will make the chest spawn on the center platform
There will be ascendant shards in that chest!! So IF someone finds it, it will be a short thrill until no one cares anymore...
Since the other bonus chest only spawns while not allowing the Templar to teleport, I feel it has the same effect. Killing Atheon in one go while only using the relic. Killing him in one go with only Mythosclasts. Killing all Gorgons. Not sure how possible this is or if they respawn.
Edited by Claireon_Call: 2/23/2015 7:41:42 AM
I have found 2 secret caves at the jumping puzzle and they have pedestals
Edited by Kemaleon: 2/23/2015 7:39:08 AMI honestly don't think there are any more chests, but I have something for you to chew on... That stuff about fixing something and leaving. Have you ever noticed the huge glass arch above where Atheon spawns? During the Gatekeeper battle it is fragmented, but when you beat that section it merges together to form a complete arch just before Atheon spawns in. See if you can get on top of that or something. Good luck.
I think if there is a chest it has to be around the crack where the lighy seeps in from the vault behind atheon. I think in ordee to get it you must go through one of rhe portals after atheon is killed. When atheon teleports you he sends you to the same place. It's just past or future. So maybe in the past or future this area is accessible.
I've been trying to test some theories for an hour almost now.. Found nothing, but something that i did notice is that, the Time Vex Gates can be activated when Atheon is dead without anyone standing on it, .. Idk.. Maybe try and keep someone behind the door to the gatekeeper and jump on the time vex gate after atheon is dead, and try and activate all 3 vex gates? And maybe thats your secret ? Lol
Has anyone looked at the wall that is above the door we enter the glass throne in? Like jumping on top of the gates and trying to see if there is a hole or cave up near the middle (by the Atheon pedestal)?
After reading all the posts would it be that hard to convince a whole fireteam to wait up where Atheon spawns and try to run through his portal as he comes out? Or going through the time gates before Atheon transports anybody?
DeeJ simply needs to throw the community a bone. If everything in the vault hasn't been found, just simply say it. All we need is a "yes" or "no", no hints.
I've been to the place in the second speculation! Xbox 360: InfinityGod3573 P.S. The Jumping Puzzle has a tunnel with a cave underneath it...
The gatekeeper. Has anyone fought a the on while the gatekeeper was still alive or does he have to be dead. What if when you kill atheon with the gatekeeper alive the gatekeeper opens a portal between future and past. Theory 2: Gorgons layer. I doubt anybody has killed all the forgo s in the gorgons layer. Maybe that might have something to do with it. Theory 3: Has anyone actually explored the route to the Templar (short question) Theory 4 During the portals while fighting atheon has anyone went and looks around on mars and Venus.