*First Speculation*
Lately my group and I have been venturing back into the Vault of Glass to attempt a discovery of a new chest. Not finding anything a long time ago, we were discouraged by the fact that we believed there wasn't anything left to be found. Then, this comment was found on Youtube... My friend sent this to me but he is unsure of the name of the video and we are now unable to find the comment. Either way, the quote that this person said, is from a Bungie employee. My friend claims to have heard of this "LRI" guy and said that he MIGHT be one of the raid designers. He does assure to me that he does work for Bungie, though. The quote/picture proof is in the link below.
On to the speculation. The quote makes mention of the chest to have "lied between future and past, but not present." As we know, the only time in between the future and past IS present. This must mean it represents something physical. We have considered this to meaning something about the portal in between the jump puzzle and atheon's room, but then my attention turned elsewhere... Whilst activating the gates to summon Atheon, I remembered how the "past" portal is on the left and the "future" portal is on the right. Then I looked in between them... That little island used for killing Atheon many times over. It COULD be considered a large pedestal. It's the only thing in between "past and future." Could this possibly be where the chest could spawn? Maybe both portals must be kept open for the entirety of the boss fight? Could it have been under our noses (literally) all along? Unfortunately after killing Atheon, we were killing instantly due to being lost in time, even though he died. We were unable to look around by even going back into the portals to look around again.
It gets better. We automatically assume that Atheon must be defeated to retrieve this chest because the quote also says "Time is broken, but it can be fixed, for people have mended it before and left without questioning, what changed." We assumed that killing Atheon will "fix" time which is why we believe something happens on that middle island block AFTER the fight.
Something that really assures this for me is that it says "for people have mended it before and left without questioning, what changed." This could mean that MANY of us have completed the VOG, but didn't look around enough to see what changed. This quote almost seems to assure that something happens AFTER the fight.
What do you guys think? Do you have hope for there to be a chest here? What are your thoughts? What else have you heard?
Here's to hoping that some people still care for the Vault of Glass. Please share what you think and spread the post so that others can see our ideas. I look forward to reading any responses!
Edit1: I also realize that the commenter says that the quote is about that "secret cave" in the jump puzzle area. The employee DID NOT say anything about that cave. He only made mention of the past and future deal. Though if it is, then maybe there must be a way to return there AFTER the atheon kill?
Edit2: Made it to Trending! :D Hearing some great ideas and suggestions
Edit3: If you want to explore sometime, I play on the Xbox 360 and the Xbox One.
*Second Speculation*
Most of us have seen that tiny hole in the side of the jump puzzle room right? If you have then I'm sure we have all thought the same thing... chest? Well I am not sure whether this was Photoshopped or is legit but my friend found a picture of a chest sitting on a little rock. Could this rock be the "pedestal" mentioned in the quote? Maybe something must be triggered to summon the chest here? Maybe there are actually two missing chests? Picture link below.
Copied From My Raid Friend: http://lzygmrs.com/destiny/vault-of-glass-includes-sixth-secret-chest/6857/
"Proof of the 6th/7th chest during the Dads of Destiny tag along live stream last week. It was confirmed by Lead World Artist: Rob Adams, and Senior Raid Designer: Gavin Irby"
And yes I know he said he misheard the question, but it was pretty straight forward. It could be just as easy that Bungie didn't actually want us to know 100%. Plus, he didn't say there wasn't anything else. There is still hope. If that Christmas post is true, then that might be some kind of proof.
All of this for some ascendant materials, lol
That statement was taken back the very next day by those bungie employees. There are no more chest at this time. Once VoG hits level 32/34 then it will become reality
Anyone notice that when you spawn at the very beginning of VOG, take a right along the mountain edge and you come across a cave inside a cliff (there's an inactive portal and sometimes some spirit bloom to the left of it) and inside there are some stair steps up to the wall, nothing there though. Seems like a perfect place to put a chest. Good sized are, dark, nothing is spawning from it. Perhaps a chest spawns when you open up the three sync plates and form the spire ? If anyone's interested, I'm free to play VOG on Xbox one. Gt same as above
Anyone notice that when you spawn at the very beginning of VOG, take a right along the mountain edge and you come across a cave inside a cliff (there's an inactive portal and sometimes some spirit bloom to the left of it) and inside there are some stair steps up to the wall, nothing there though. Seems like a perfect place to put a chest. Good sized are, dark, nothing is spawning from it. Perhaps a chest spawns when you open up the three sync plates and form the spire ? If anyone's interested, I'm free to play VOG on Xbox one. Gt same as above
I'm curious, but honestly, the chest most likely holds ascendant materials... Which are of no value to me or most of the community for that matter.
Has someone tried opening the vault door in either past or future? I heard/saw somewhere that you can dance to open the vault door.. If so..how far could you go back in past/future? Hm..
Very curious in this. Kill Atheon with one teleport?
Something else I've thought of is if it does exist then it has to be in an area that all 3 classes can access. Like it can't be somewhere that can only be reached by a total lift jump, a warlocks glide or a hunters triple jump. If the raid was intended to be done with 2 of each character and 1 of each subclass it would have to be accessible to all.
If you have both portals open when atheon dies, it wouldnt be the past or the future nor present?
We are currently trying a couple things on Atheon Normal. We are starting from the jump puzzle and are open to ideas. We are looking for 2 more on 360 to join. If you have anything feel free to message me.
Maybe try opening the portals after killing atheon?
Edited by mcclean94: 2/23/2015 1:35:45 AM1. Time starts changing the moment you open the vault. Maybe the chest isn't the 6th or 7th but the first. 2. Anyone killed atheon while players were still in the portal? 3. Anyone stayed at the blood chest while others completed the whole raid without dying and seeing if the spirit bloom chest changes? Maybe the vault (while it had bloom) was a chest from the present, and then in the future (after atheon) it has different loot. 4. Had everyone completed the raid on hard and normal (so technically future) and seen if anything changes at the start of the raid, such as at the spire?
Okay after you kill atheon and keep the portals open maybe it's in there somewhere?
"for people have mended it before and left without questioning, [b]what changed[/b]." Seems to me that something significant changes to the stage from the start of the fight to after Atheon has been killed. The pedestal comment threw me a little, I've explored a whole lot around the stage after the Atheon kill, however I've never tried the platform between the portals, on top yes, but never under or anything of the sort, for fear of dying...
Here's an idea, while you just completed it, let 5 leave and start a new raid. Maybe thats a start to a new idea. How long can you stay after the fight, does it ever take you to orbit? Is it possible to prevent it? I was thinking about the legend of kabr. About how he was alone yet he did not enter the vault alone. What if his friends are in another instance fighting atheon, while kabr is lost in time? Or somwthing like that. Maybe something to do with gorgons since they erased his friends. I dunno, i just wish the lore has some actual connection and hints to the contents of the raid.
Has anyone investigated the potential significance of the supplicants that spawn during Atheon? It might be just a goose chase, but I always found it interesting that the game logs how many supplicants each player has killed at the death screen. Oracles I can understand based on their relevance to the team wiping, but why supplicants? Has it been tested defeating Atheon without directly destroying any supplicants? Eg either bubbling to prevent being killed whilst opening portals, or letting them destroy themselves with their suicide attack?
Has anyone tried going into the other timestream (the one that atheon doesn't send you into) during times vengence? Could it be something like that in the middle of the battle. Not the present but past and future. Those portals send you into the corners of time. Hmmmmm?
Ppl ever explore in full raid gear?
Here is my theory In between past and present : when you started the raid has passed, so it's passed, and present is completion, I would recommend running back through the raid Chambers and looking
If you are a 32 that wants to drop into VOG hard and try my theory out for gatekeepers and Atheon. It would be nice to give it a shot. I should be on in an hour or so. Just shoot me a private message on here and I will add you when I get on. Strong team as 5 will be running Atheon. Or you can msg my GT: Mr A Nissan and I will add you when I get home
I know a really good theory [spoiler]it's the one where it doesn't exist and bungie laughs at all of you wasting your time. [/spoiler]
I'm on Xbox one and hoping to find a team to find all the chests and I have some very promising ideas... And sources
Riddles, huh? Sometimes I get Times Vengeance immediately after Atheon dies for no reason. Maybe this has something do with it.
Bump for future reference
Back when this game launched I believed bungie had all these secrets built in. I think the quotes and grimoire represents what they wanted to do. Sadly I think the reality is that there is nothing more and that VOG is incomplete but has lore that leaves speculation ongoing. I think destiny represents some grand ideas that weren't completed. VOG is one of them. If you don't believe me just travel the world of areas all over that look like they were meant for something but went completely unused. Naturally I want to believe that it is one grand puzzle like you suggest but over the last 5 months I have come to realize there is nothing hidden below the surface. Hope I'm wrong....