Just to let you guys know a possible way to get out of the atheon fight room after he's dead is to have one person stay in the entrance hall before the door at the beginning of the gatekeeper part then after you have defended the conflux the door closes but the one person is still outside. My theory is that after you kill atheon the one person outside the vault has to do something to free the other 5 players.
first time the team teleports it pulls the player outside into the past/future. tried it several times
We had two people there last week without trying to and we were hoping they would get ported so we had them to help, only one did. Also a possibility of a warlock is in it and kills themselves then self revives and they stay there. We had a guy out there but didn't think of it as anything as we were just doing the raid
don't know why we never thought to wipe a warlock outside of the door. it's so obvious lol. thanks man, gotta get the team together now
No problem let me know how it goes. I'm on vacation so can't try it right now