*Is mopping up a most peculiar liquid when the entire mop suddenly disintegrates*
[spoiler]Anyone care to explain? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]*Inane grumbling*[/spoiler]
Ah! It might be HCl, Hydrocholoric Acid. Some drunk dude may have been a bit to drunk, and puked so much that all he had left to vomit was his own stomach acid (HCl). Now that you mention it I do recall dragging another body outside... [spoiler]Then again, I usually have to drag out about a few bodies a day, dead oralive.[/spoiler]
Its my torture liquid and he mopped it all up ... It was for whitigoh... I wanted to make sure he never stole again *
Hmm... that, or Gastric acid, I'd wager. [spoiler]Well. That's... interesting. [/spoiler]
Did you clean all of it up? I think that mightve been my torture liquid
I think so. [spoiler]I'm going to pretend I never heard that last part...[/spoiler]
Damnit takes an hour to remake it It was for whitigoh * begins to mix a bunch of chemicals together at the counter *
Is that safe? I hope you're, uh, "containing" it.
Dont worry its safe * laughs * Hehehe
...*feeling apprehensive* Ya. I'm, uh, going back to my closet. [spoiler]*Runs to custodial closet, locks door, and hopes the bar isn't reduced to a pile of rubble.*[/spoiler]
* you see a bubbling white liquid leak from the door bottom *
*walks up to you holding two mops, hands you one, and helps you clean* What the hell is that stuff?
I've no idea, I was hoping someone else would know. *Begins cleaning*
*continues helping u clean*
Thanks. A lot of work keeping this place clean. [spoiler]It's not easy.[/spoiler]
No problem... i was cleaning yesterday and had a fellow employee drop a bucket of jizz on the table... [spoiler]i understand[/spoiler]
... [spoiler]I'm not even going to bother asking...[/spoiler]
[spoiler]thank you[/spoiler]
No idea. *Hands random drink*
Thanks. *Drinks quickly*
*Looks around for Whitigoh*