There's only four chest not counting spirit bloom one right
There's 5 chests not including the spirit bloom chest. But the dev team said there's more than that.
Weird I think I forgot one could you name them all with locations?
After I'm recounting them in my head I think the spirit bloom chest is one of the five.
I just know these 1 first chest after opening the gate 2 spirit bloom 3 chest if you beat Templar with out letting him teleport 4. exotic chest 5 chest to the right of where you spawn in the maze
Exotic chest?
You know when you come down from the spirit bloom chest way
Oh okay, that's what I figured you were taking about. I think the key is the atheon room. I really wish someone had the gate keeper checkpoint.
I think it's behind where ATHEON spawns in that light cave that you the relic and be punched up into the sky and swing across for it
I saw them trying to do that on YouTube. But I don't think that's it. You can climb up on top of that room. I've done it. But I never got super far because the fire team leader always left.