In the jump room maze thingo, there is a portal at the end of it. As your all standing there waiting for your team to finish the jump maze look behind you and a little to the right. There is an island there which has a portal ring on it...
Perhaps after killing atheon you can somehow get back to the jump room via the teleporters? They wouldnt put a random island in there for nothing
Impossible I've explored the hell outta aetheons room. There is no way back once the doors close.
What if someone sits outside the doors during the whole atheon/gatekeeper fight do they reopen? But like chest on crota when one rushes to open door?
He gets killed by the architects after the first gatekeeper dies.
Edited by Conker3100: 2/23/2015 9:24:03 AMWhat about through the portals? You know how when actually killing atheon 2 people cant walk through the portals at the same time and someone always gets accidentally teleported to a random place and its really annoying? Maybe that could be something? Do this after killing atheon ofcourse?
No that's just a glitch tried it. You die.
Well im out of ideas