How many chest exotic enagrams did you need from Xur to get Heart of the Praxic Fire this weekend?
I bought 6 and no HotPF for me :(
PS: Is there any difference if you open them with the class of the exotic you want? I opened them with a warlock, but I got just 1 chest for warlocks and 5 for the other classes
Edit: Wow I am seeing a lot of 1's. I hate you all ;)
1st one lol
You'll hate me I was trying for other chest pieces and received a 2nd hopf on roll two.
It's random
Bought nine and got it out of the first.
Had 250 motes, spended it all and got HoPF from last engram. Friend got it from his first
bought two engrams and the first was bingo! should have bought one at a time since 2nd one will be useless (i have already the other chest exotics for hunter and warlock)
Bought one engram and got it luckily
I got mine in a Nightfall back in October. Never seen one since. Hope it eventually falls to you.
Two. Got Armamentarium first, then Praxic.
took 1
Infinite l, because I don't have one yet.
Just one and I don't even have a warlock, but will probably create one.
Got it on my 4th
I bought two because that's all I could afford, and got it my second engram. This is the second HoTPF I've gotten, but I dismantled the first one because I don't care for HoTPF. I'll keep the second one because of all this hype for it.
3 on my hunter
5 on my lock, got it on the 4th stoked
I already had one, bought the chest engram to see if I can't get another exotic chest piece I didn't have, AND..... I got another heart of praxic Fire... FML
1. Just bought it as I has enough motes.
Got mine on my 4th one. And I now have a new found love for my lock :). Wish I had a raid helm
Opened 10 on my characters, got nothing, opened one on a friends character and he got it first try.
It took 5. And I was so happy because that was the last one I was going to be able to get.
bought 4, only a few motes short of getting 5 engrams. got it on the 4th and final engram. the other 3 were repeats and got sharded. kinda sucks i spent 69 motes on 3 shards.
First one on my titan
5 and my first 4 were all alpha Lupi. My character is complete now.
On my hunter I bought 3 got it on my 3rd