I have one and it's not a bad weapon. However rockets make atheon move too much. Primaries don't do enough damage to atheon. So the best combination is to run blackhammer. Or icebreaker corrective measure and confluence.
So you have two anti oracle weapons. Icebreakers can deal 70 thousand damage to atheon before you switch weapon. If your good enough blackhammer even more.
And weapons of light? Atheon goodbye.
OR ppl could just spam SUPERS at him. Ever wonder why the shield refills your super instantly??! SMH rookies.
Are you serious? Is this guy serious??
lmao as a heart attack. Go try it, you obviously never have hit him with a properly set up nova bomb with the right gear on lol SMH NOOBLETS. Stop buying lvl 32 characters at walmart, you all are not learning anything.
Name a super that outputs reasonable dps on atheon????
And this is where I lose hope in the retarded side of the human race. Because they feel it's easier to hit a moving target than one whom stands still. Good luck making your atheon completions harder for yourself and angering every team you get accepted into. Noob.