Long ago when this game was announced we were promised a lot and a lot was taken out, from areas to weapons to the story itself. To get to the topic at hand lets start with PVP
PVP should not exist... or at least not on the way it currently does.
PVP is what cause bungie to lock out exotics to only one per section
PVP caused most of our weapon Nerfs and weapon changes causing the game to become more difficult
PVP is what divided the community itself
[b][u]Edit :Added information about weapons that are junk in PvE due to maintaining PvP balance.[/b][/u]
PVP caused a number of weapons to be almost completely useless outside of PVP yet they are obtained through PVE methods including Suros, lastword, invective, universal remote, NO land beyond and Truth
[u][b]Edit 2: new video found showing the potential the game had and the changes caused by last gen[/b][/u]
if you watch this video you can clearly see that the titan striker super is more detailed and that there was more emotes in the game last gen is holding back the games as a whole as well. I'm hoping in the future this does not become a reoccurring factor, Activision is most likely to be blamed for this to spread the area of revenue this game could make causing drastic changes.
[b]Edit 3: I've found some new information about PVP regarding weapon design during a March 1 Q and A from the PVP Devs at bungie describing exotics and the NO land beyonds real purpose for being useless in PVE[/u][/b]
[b]Q: […] my concern is that some of the exotic weapons aren’t receiving the love they deserve. A quick reference to this would be the universal remote or the no land beyond and some of the less used exotics.[/b]
[quote]A: You unknowingly touched on a very tricky part of making exotic guns. They need to be unique AND useful. Unique implies different and special. Useful implies accessible and understandable to many players. Some exotics do this well and some leave players wanting a little bit more.
I will never forget an interaction I had with a co-worker during the first exotic patch. He was lamenting Thorn, he didn’t like the slow reload or the shallow 6 round magazine. This was addressed in the patch. We have it 9 rounds and a faster reload. The day after the patch went live, he sadly told me he thought Thorn had lost its character. Even though it got better and we had addressed his pain point, his fantasy of what made Thorn unique was reduced.[/quote]
the fantasy a weapon creates is different with every person, no two people will have the same outlook on a certain weapon. I enjoyed the original version of thorn but it felt lackluster for an exotic compared to other exotic hand cannons i much prefer how it works now as it seems to have more of a fighting chance. it is simple bungie the gun cannot please every one, so just make them usable at the least....
[b]Q: Buff No Land Beyond… it’s the most useless Exotic ever[/b]
A: No Land Beyond was built with a very specific play style in mind: Fast sniping, run and gun, quick scope precision shots at close range. It is primarily a PVP play style, and we wanted to give players who like this style a weapon that suits their skillset.
Admittedly, the weapon is not very forgiving to players who aren’t already acclimated to playing like this. They’ll probably die, a lot, trying to get consistent headshots in the crucible. Dying over and over isn’t fun.
The question we need to ask in future exotic weapon patches is how much more accessible we want this weapon to be. Did we go too far in creating a niche weapon that only a few people enjoy? If we did, is that OK? Can we make it easier to use? If we did, would that turn The Crucible into a non stop No Land Beyond headshot murder fest? At surface level there are definitely things we can do to make NLB better (you have some great suggestions), but we also need to consider the wake that could incur if everyone had a super sweet one shot kill weapon in their primary slot in The Crucible.
We will definitely continue to listen to feedback and when it comes time to do another exotic weapon update, I’m sure we’ll look closely at No Land Beyond.[/quote]
this was a downright dumb move to create such a one sided weapon
[u][b]Edit 4: Props go to (Say No To Rage) a you-tuber that shares my mindset and sees the differences PVP is making in destiny and the divergence it has on its focus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjk3JffN-Tk[/b][/u] i think we can all agree we only PVP for 3 reasons
1)armor exclusive to the iron banner to reach light level32 and weapons that have better stats than PVE weapons
2)extra experience and reputation from PVP bounty's and matches
3)the chance of legendary or exotic loot which sadly is very very small
To further explain why PVP is the main culprit let me put this into perspective.
In a perfect PVP environment for players to have an equal standing against each other they must have the same equipment to better represent skill and aptitude over the possibility that someone else has a better perked weapon or character. The perfect PVP environment would have players perks disabled such as blink, healing, shielding, and reload bonuses. It would also not have weapons that have healing, accuracy bonuses , damage buffs, reload, speed perks, and ammunition bonuses for getting kills and re spawning.
To move on to the secondary problem it would have to be the silence.....
Silence that bungie keeps bringing to the table, I like the weekly updates but they only address so much in one update. We need information on upcoming projects as well as Bungie's involvement with the Community. other than the term ''we hear you'' how about what do you need or we made a poll on what you want us to focus on first.
Don't blame the community for all the problems arising if you leave a mouse alone in a maze eventually it will find its way out
To move on to the third point stop blatantly blocking player progression to boost your numbers, whether it is on purpose or by accident or on purpose we will never know but from what we do know your focus on numbers is annoying and unbecoming of your standard. You gloated when people bought the ice breaker and I bet you will again gloats when people bought heavy. Move on from numbers and show the Community actually showing the love towards your game.
Numbers prove a point but to who are you trying to prove a point surely not the community
To move on from the third to the fourth topic please use your head about Nerfs if anything else. To put it into perspective numbers tell a story of a favorite type of weapon but does not subjectively put them on a platform for Nerfs. Look at it from a different view point people are using specific weapons do not blame the entire weapon type. People will use a weapon mainly for their perks and powers so do not blame an entire weapon type because on out of the many is inherently broken.
If you hear the community you can find your way back on track many are skeptical about comet or destiny 2 and are in a state of panic of what this game will actually become.
If there are people who agree let them know in the comments here
Good points made by all. Sad fact is Bungie has not a f'ing clue as to what they are doing. If they did they would not have to do all this "balancing". They tied PvP and PvE together,mistake #1 They obviously did ZERO play testing,otherwise they would have had all these weapon issues over range,damage ect. figured out and corrected. It's not like they were re-inventing the wheel. There weapon designer obviously know fck all about weapons. If he did then either a) the Pulse Rifle would have been in the AR class (Because,fact,a Pulse Rifle is just a AR that fires 3 round burst) or b) they could have added a fire select perk to the AR so that the player could choose between full auto or burst fire. Let's not forget also that with the complaint that the AR "performs to well at ranges beyond what was intended for its class". Yet is given perks that buff its range and accuracy at longer ranges and scopes that increase the weapons range. Does anyone else see the contradiction? I have ZERO confidence in Bungie or their team of designers and developers. The game is fun in spite of the work they do but that's only because they have the moving/shooting part down after years of working on Halo. Outside of that Destiny can be a dismal bore. So my point is "FEEDBACK" is useless,they don't care or can't fix it anyway. Hell the should just dub it "NERF/BUFF"