Oh look! Another pointless shitpost of me ranting!!
Isn't it wonderful that you get listen to me complain for another few minutes! I sure hope you like melodramatic complaining!
For those who didn't immediately leave (like you probably should), I've found myself becoming disheartened frequently over the past few months.
Just now I decided to check out Arby n Chief for the first time and although it was hysterical, the ending prompted me to write this.
Playing vidoegames, sketching, watching youtube, and even doing nothing make me depressed now even though they've been my favorite hobbies.
It also doesn't help that my Grandpa and Monty Oum (one of my inspirations) both died on the same day a few weeks ago.
Part of me thinks I'm just stuck and that I'll never move forward...
Then the other part tells me that that's bullshit and that I should get a move on.
Is there any advice to move out of this limbo?
Edit: thank you to everyone who bothered to reply, It really helps to know that not everyone on b.net is intellectually deficient.
As a side note, I'm not "depressed" as in the chemical disorder, I've just been in a low rut lately and am feeling down.
Edit #2 (man I'm just full of these): One of my recurring sources of disheartening media is the web show known as Zero Punctuation.
This show has, singlehandedly, made me begin to hate videogames.
It has turned one of my favorite hobbies into something that nags at the back of my mind like an angry stepmother.
I try to avoid this by not watching any if his videos but of find myself being drawn back to them like some twisted form of stockholm syndrome combined with waterboarding.
Well why are you depressed?