As we wrap up iron banner I've been wanting to see what people think when it comes to striker titans. Personally I think that class is pretty overpowered for their super and melee abilities. Now I have two hunters because I deleted my titan for now, but I've played a bunch with the titan class all the way from the beta. Whats most frustrating is they are nearly impossible to kill when they use fist of panic. I get that they have the unstoppable perk but I didn't realize that would be literal. At least warlocks can be killed while they nova bomb even if it's a slight chance. I've hit titans with shotgun blasts, arc blade hits, even a truth rocket to the face after they had half health, but no matter what they do not die when that animation begins. It's so annoying because I'm clearly winning a gun fight only for a titan becoming invincible and kill me in the process. Also it can hit you while your in the air above the ground lol! Then the shoulder charge, the only 1 shot kill melee in the game has no cooldown? That's crazy to me. It also locks on if you try to go under or above the titan. So what do you guys think are they op? Need a nerf?
lighting grenade is powerful
It's more underpowered than anything.
Edited by chattingmyth: 2/25/2015 9:58:44 PMYour poll is terrible. FoH is a super so its meant to be OP thats an invalid argument. Sure it is [b]stupid because it hits targets in the air[/b] but overall its workig as intended. Shoulder Charge is OP because its easy to use and free. As a whole Strikers are not OP just have a lower skill cap than most subclasses
I actually believe Striker Titans are horribly underpowered compared to Warlocks and Hunters.
IF Fist of "panic" did NOT hit you in mid-air and insta-kill you even with extra defense, it would be fine. But as is it's nearly impossible to dodge a FoH once it's initiated, you can jump, still going to get you (even in BD mode). But the effect is a bubble explosion with a ridiculous radius, take out the air affect and it'll be evened out. Case in point. It takes 3 slices from a Bladedancer to kill a titan going into FoH who has Unstoppable, and to get 3 off is rare and means that you landed the 3rd as the fist landed, so both die. There's no counter to it. Even a BD in Arc Blade takes 2 Arc Blade shots to go down. Yes, Titan is vulnerable afterwards, but thats only if someone survived. Either remove aerial damage or reduce radius I hate shoulder charge, killed by it many times and takes almost no aiming to do (hit detection is a cone). But, does require it to "warm up" so there's some balance there.
They are very annoying but not over powered
No. There is a reason why only 20 titans are on the top 100 on the leader boards. Take a look for yourself... [url][/url] Every time someone complains about a titan it's because of shoulder charge and first of havoc. How [b]bad[/b] are some of you to let a Titan get close to you? Or any character to be exact. If a titan gets close enough to shoulder charge, you are close enough to get killed by a shotgun...You have a better chance at killing the titan than killing someone with a shotgun. They are running at you, with no weapons l.o.l. Pay attention to the radar and stop with the cry of nerfs for classes. Sure, hunters have infinite melee spam super charge, blink , golden gun, and tripmine grenades. Warlocks have grenades that stick to you 50 miles away, an overshield by just touching you with a melee, grenades that will damage you no matter where you run (fusion grenades?). What then? Are we going to nerf the other classes too? lol. I don't like getting shoulder charged as much as the next guy, but i'll admit to it being my fault for letting myself get killed when there's a radar and a moron with no weapons running at me point blank.
Striker looses health a hell of a lot every time they strike. It's very Dangerous being a striker Most times I die in a Level 26 stike and I use the super. Level 30 misions forget it your dead if You use striker
Hunters are OP as -blam!- trust me I have 3 characters
Edited by iMoto Bro: 2/25/2015 4:32:51 PMAs someone who used to only use a Titan in Crucible but now I play all 3 classes during Iron Banner, I can honestly say that it takes more skill to use a Striker Titan than it does to use a Sunsinger Warlock or Bladedancer. You can literally use nothing but Fusion Grenades as a Warlock and get an insane K/D. Those grenades will stick people without even being thrown in their general direction. You can bounce it off walls and around corners and they will stick people.
Check the population stats on destiny stat tracker. Strikers have the lowest average K/D because to use those abilities they have to get up in your face (and let's be honest, almost everyone abuses shotguns and fusion rifles). The only reason it stands out more than a golden gun shooting you half the map away is because whenever you see another guardian and shoot before they do, you feel entitled to get the kill. But every time the dodge, juke, and close the gap to get the clutch kill you feel cheated. It's the same reason people think arc blade is overpowered.
You can literally side-step a shoulder charge. If you think dodging a striker is hard...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! I dodge more Havocs than Novas!!
You do know titans are supposed to be tanks right?
#waaaa waaaa waaaa
Blink strike - backstab is a one shot as well. Shoulder charge is very counter able, just bring a shotgun or don't let a titan sneak up on you. The only nerf would be lock on aspect of shoulder charge for me.
well... wasting your super to panic kill 1 guy... i dont call that op. hunters can just pop up their super and roflstomp 4 guys with golden gun or bladedancer, unless they get killed by another super. bladedancers cant get killed neither with a rocket or shotgun to the face, same goes to nova panic. thats simply how the game rolls and titans get a bit extra defence since they are the "tank" class. the shoulder charge is a 50/50. noobs get killed, skilled players kill you while you try to use it. i dont rly see its point since everyone walks arround with autos, shotguns and fusions so... easy kill unless ofc you sprint arround a corner. but normal people learn and stay away from the corners. axion bolts, throwing knife, scorched melee, flaming shield and the hunters blink 1hit "when using backstab perk but still one hit kills when it hits in the face" is just as "op" or unbalanced. [quote]Also it can hit you while your in the air above the ground lol![/quote] nova panic does the same, just with a bigger radius. blade dancers can fly and pick you up even though youre way higher^^ and they have the shockwave that travels arround the ground with a pretty big hit radius too. [quote]That's crazy to me. It also locks on if you try to go under or above the titan.[/quote] because its a melee. the normal melee doesnt even lock on, or just barely, if someone is near you. the warlocks melee locks on on every occasion. same to bladedacner ofc, but there its at least a super. every class has cheap tricks and skills, thats how this game works. when i play titan i barely use my super because theres rarely a good opportunity to use it. so mostly im saving it for radiance warlocks or bladedancers. i play since day 1 and barely got 36 cry havocs (3kills with fist of panic) xD ask the hunters how many way of the gun and gutted medals they have^^ (taking you as an example; even though you barely have 1.00kd you still got 55 gutted and 18 way of the gun on only half as much pvp matches as i do.) and if you want to do your own research check the people who respond to this thread. i see people with 22, 12, 9, 26, 38, 13, 15, 21 cry havocs... and there were some real good pvp players with 2,6kd and 3,12. none of them can reach up to your average way of the gun and gutted medals. it may be a panic super, but it doesnt grant many kills.
Well. Even if people do consider the FoH op I mean atleast you other classes have two classes that have supers that are offensive.
No, it's not the only 1 shot melee in the game- I've been killed by tons of scorch burn melees while on full health
Lol over powered lol
Yea fk em
These posts are funny. [b]All supers are OP[/b], that's why they're "super"! Everyone in the crucible has some sort of OP ability, and that's why it's fair. Every super is avoidable or has a counter of some kind. You have the same ability to instantly kill someone as everyone else does.
No class is OP in any way in my opinion
I could say, they have more armor compared to other characters while their super is activated.
They aren't overpowered, it depends on how well you play them
They are so op but I love it! I think hunters need help but that's about it!
I remember when I was a nub and would get killed by shoulder charge.. now I lol at people who try And this is coming from a striker who has never once used the gay ass charge