Look at this emblem. It has a swastika in the middle.
I find this very offensive and request that it is removed, and that whoever made the emblem is fired. This is something horrible to do.
EDIT: If you can't see it, move your head away from the screen as you look at the emblem.
EDIT2: Yes, at [i]one[/i] time this was a sign of peace. Now it's not.
What are you talking about? This is clearly a Celtic knot, which fits in with Destiny's magical fantasy tones since they were thought of as magical and able to ward off evil. I think you're trying to make an issue out of something that's not an issue at all. Kind of like how African Americans got Nintendo to change the colour of a Pokemon even though the Pokemon was a depiction of a Japanese creature from folk lore and not of Africans. You're overly sensitive.