Well your statement makes no sense because then there is no standard to anything. You show your intelligence with your prattling and lack the concept of standards. Something that's typical of the pampered entitled culture of the day that is given everything by mommy and daddy. Probably a typical COD player that needs to call in a computer controlled dog, turret, or gunship to kill crap for you and then boast about your KD which is boosted by computer controlled elements. The people that dislike Battlefield is due to the fact that there isn't any handicapping perks to "level the playing field" so you have to rely on pure control skills to be good. Before you say something sucks make sure it's not because of a lack of skill on your behalf, typical response now a days. Obvious troll with a hamster where your brain should be.
1. Your grammar is laughable. .. 2. So lock on, fire and forget weapons that are prevalent in battle field aren't computer controlled? ? I believe you need to exit the house now. ..there is obviously a gas leak 3. I've been in the military since the age of 18.... I believe I know alil more about hard work than you champ. ..cute though 4. You can not compare a title that is unlike any other title, with another title. .... please keep your poor attempts at logic to yourself to refrain from embarrassing not only yourself, but the rest of us as the human race. ... 5. Billy. ...please put your helmet back on, for your mother's sake
So comparing the only shoulder mounted anti-air fire and forget rocket in BF4 to all the ground mounted turrets, dogs, and helicopter gunships kill streaks in COD that require no control of the user in any capacity is ridiculous and a laughable stretch. Nice try playing the game that is common sense and logic. But like I said your "no standards" prattling shows it all and is kinda surprising since you're in the military. Props for serving our country though. And my original comment was geared towards Bungie and Activision ripping off their customers with the amount of money they charged for their delivered product. Not to mention all of the blatant lies they put forth in their interviews pre-release. I don't understand why anyone would hold water for a company like Activision who releases the same re-skinned crap year after year. Not to mention they just copy whatever the flavor of the year is. Here is the DLC for Left For Dead COD edition. You have COD Titanfall edition. CODs attempt to rip off the Battlefield series and Leveloution. Oh look we have some logs and a gas station awnings that falls over. "Don't look over there at the 100 story building that's falling down in the middle of a map that's five times the size of ours with 5 times the amount of players." But hey COD is the training wheels of the FPS genre and Destiny is starting to show itself as the training wheel of the FPS MMOs, oh wait "Open World Shooter.s" We wouldn't want to label it as a MMO because of the STANDARDS that are associated with that genre even though every aspect of the game feels like an MMO. Once again obvious troll.
And I don't have standards for a video game because. ..well. ..it's a video game. If it's fun I'll play it, if it's broken I won't. I have better things to worry about, I'm sorry your world is consumed and revolves around pixels. ....that must suck for you
Well actually I have a lot of things that are more important than a video game. My fiancée, hanging out with my family and friends in person, starting a new career in three weeks with a good company, planning a family, going to the gym, planning for retirement, paying off college loans and debt, outdoor recreational hobbies, etc... Playing online has been the best way to stay in touch with my brother when he was in the army away from home and after he found a good opportunity eight hours away for school that was good for him. Sorry when I pay for a product I do have a standard in mind because I don't like to throw money away. And I expect the products I pay for to live up to the expectations set forth by their manufacture.
Well your bf games definitely don't lol
How would you know? Battlefield 4 is insane.
At the beginning yes it was a terrible roll out for BF4. It was the only BF game where they did a lot of heavy marketing. But Dice was quick to address the issues right away. It took time but they finally got it fixed. It here were updates almost once a month to fix the game. I missed the first six months because I couldn't pick up a XBO or new TV since I was helping my fiancée with her college bills. But once I got on and my buddies were playing they said it was 10 times better than it was at launch. The thing I give Dice is they came forward and showed how EA pushed them to release an unfinished product and their shareholders are in a lawsuit with EA for it. Dice is now looking at releasing another DLC that wasn't even planned for BF4 and there is talk that it might be free. If Dice pulls this off they will smooth over a lot of their angry fan base that they alienated. But I fully understand they made a deal with the devil when they signed with EA. Which is what Bungie did with Activision. Sad how companies who've always been loyal to their consumers are so easily swayed by terrible companies like EA and Activision. Just wish they had the integrity to spine to stand by the communities that feed their originations.
Every bf game was like that. The next will be to. And it will take 6 months to even be decent. Just like Rockstar and the bullshit heist mode they were supposed to have that's over a year late. Bungie and destiny. Literally every company does it. ..why? Because they are companies and they don't give a single -blam!- about you, they give a -blam!- about your wallet. So just enjoy what you enjoy but don't be a fan boy. Because you make yourself look stupid that way.
This post is more laughable than the previous ones. Im gonna keep reading
Edited by Volatile Shifty: 2/24/2015 11:42:20 PMBFBC1 no problems, BCBF2 no problems, and BF3 no problems. Every Halo game Bungie put out before 343. The entire Borderlands Franchise no problems. And speaking of borderlands I received more content on that game out of the container than I've received from the $95 I've payed for this game plus DLC. Heck I got more content from the first DLC on Borderlands than I received from Destiny and the current DLC and for half the cost. There are some companies out there that still deliver they've just haven't had companies like EA, Activision, or Ubisoft get their greedy little paws on their products yet.
And you say bungie and Activision rip off players. ....what about dice. ...with the release of completely buggy and glitchy games that make it virtually unplayable at launch. ...and you shovel money to them to. ...stop bitching and trying to compare games that are nothing alike, don't be a fan boy, it's un attractive and it won't get you laid. Just enjoy yourself with whatever game you want.
Unplayable at launch? You must have a garbage ISP. moving on
I'm not even going to read your post. ..stopped after the first line. So there are fire and forget weapons in bf, there are fire and forget weapons in cod. There are taking wraps in bf and weapons you need to aim in cod.... they are completely different games. ...you can't compare them, two completely different games bro. ... please just. ..stop
Edited by Volatile Shifty: 2/25/2015 12:09:15 AMJust saw these two post and I implore you to actually read them. Both games are FPSs and thus fall into the same genre. By your logic I can't compare any sedan or truck to one another because they are different and are manufactured by a different company. With your comment about not reading my entire post and me "not getting laid" shows your lack of maturity and objectivity to have an adult conversation with. You commented to a post in which I refer to the amount of DLC a BF user is use to. In no way shape off form is that "fanboy ism." I will be the first one to tell you Dice royally let their community down and should give out the next planned DLC for free which is something that is being discussed. The fact you read into fanboyism to my original post shows me you're a potential COD fanboy that dislikes BF and can't stand when anyone points out all of the obvious downfalls of that franchise and the countless times they've ripped off any other franchises that is innovative and original. I will stand by and say BF is way better than any COD game since it takes more skill to play. A buddy of mine who was an avid COD fane made the same comment about not comparing them because they are "different" games until he played BF and agreed it was on another level difficulty with respects to game design and skill requirements. Not to mention the complexity of the map designs and the over all game play of COD. COD is and always will be the training wheels of the FPS genre where 12 yrs old go to cut their teeth. But with you referencing the regularity in which I get laid it seems like a fitting community for you to interact with. Muted for lacking the maturity and objectivity to have an adult conversation.