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Edited by Dunbrack Rooney: 2/26/2015 2:40:02 AM

"Most Muslims are Evil"

The estimated number of terrorists in the world (all numbers were pulled from the 2012 State Department report on terror and all numbers were rounded up very generously, feel free to do the same for the 2013 terror report: is 184,000 the data came out before ISIS so we'll add 30,000. 214,000/1,600,000,000=0.00013375 0.00013375x100=0.013375% So why then do we call for all Muslims to apologize whenever one of them does something wrong, do you do the same when a Christian does something because of his faith? Also why do people ignore it when they do condemn the actions of terrorists, the same people who shout for a public condemning never seem to be listening when they get it. Edit 1: Including the other terrorist organizations still gives a percent less than 1, I will provide you with evidence to back it up later today. Edit 2: Yes, the data is a bit old but terrorist groups do not multiply (they grow slowly) so the numbers should still be reasonably accurate. Souce:

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  • Well, about 10 percent of Muslims are extremists, and that's about a hundred million.

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  • I'm tired of the West constantly associating Islamic evil with modern Islamic terror. Islam in itself is a detestable religion responsible for more evil than any ideology ever save maybe Marxism, and it isn't because a couple of them blew up the twin towers--as if that was really statistically insignificant--but because of the 80 million people they murdered in the Indian subcontinent, where Hindu women burned themselves alive en masse to -blam!- and forced marriage to Muslims; because of the 90 million African victims of the Islamic Slave Trade as well as countless White, Asian, and Middle Eastern slaves who you don't hear about. Study the writings of historians K.S. Lal and John A. Azumah for sources. Islam is evil because of the barbarity it has unleashed on the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe since its inception. As an Orthodox Christian I don't need 9/11--which isn't even the tip of the iceberg--to tell me what my kind has already known for centuries. They attempted roughly four genocides against us within the past 150 years, including the Armenian Genocide and Pontiac Greek one. They Jim Crow'd, sexually enslaved, -blam!-, murdered, and oppressed us for centuries in the Ottoman Empire. They started the Crusades by spreading into Europe until reaching the gates of Vienna. I have no sympathy for Islam and I see no reason to adhere to the political correctness of respecting it or not judging it harshly. If detesting Naziism is okay, why can't I detest another even worse ideology just because it's under the veil of religion? Why should I shut up when at the moment they are already enacting a long cultural, ethnic, and religious genocide against the Coptic Orthodox in Egypt? Why should I shut up when they're the reason I and my people have to have this painful tattoo on our wrists? It isn't to look good; it's so that if Muslims abduct us as children, they can't convert us away from our Christian religion since we'll have our tattoo to remember. The wrist is chosen because due to the veins, you cannot remove the tattoo without killing the person. Islam is the evilest ideology to arise on the face of the Earth and I proudly wear the title Islamophobe, in good company with the late great Christopher Hitchens.

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    45 Replies
    • [quote]So why then do we call for all Muslims to apologize whenever one of them does something wrong[/quote]What?

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    • Damn man cmon this post is actually useless,anoying and very mean for musilm people.

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    • So many dumb people in the comments....

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    • Probably because there aren't any Christians, Jews, Buddhists, or whatever performing acts of murder and terrorism in western civilization like the Muslims do.

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      12 Replies
      • Ban all religion except buddisim

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        4 Replies
        • All religions promote violence against people who don't accept them.

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          17 Replies
          • Human nature is basically evil.

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            2 Replies
            • Get out

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            • Don't forget. Abu Nidal Abu Sayyaf Al Badr Al Aqsa Al Qaeda Al Nursa Al Shabaab Harkat ul Jihad Hezbollah Taliban PLO Hamas Islamic Jihad Union Hezbollah Al Hejaz Just to name a few.

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              23 Replies
              • >implying ISIS are the only evil Muslims

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                3 Replies
                • I just had an argument with my mother when she said that all Muslims in their hearts support ISIS. This is why I don't invite her over that much

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                  2 Replies
                  • Let's just say not many Muslims are as liberal as the West is nowadays, and some go to great lengths of showing their views i.e. terrorists.

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                  • Yes

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                  • Evil

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                  • Egypt's president actually came out and said that ISIS is the Muslim community's problem and that they need to take responsibility for them.

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                    3 Replies
                    • Implying I ever said that, lol

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                    • TL;DR

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                      1 Reply
                      • I'm fine with religion, just don't be a big asshole and we're cool

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                      • Source of the problem is religion. If we kill god, if it exists, then all believes will be debunked and holy wars will have no meaning. This is coming from a Catholic, the world is going to end with this post.

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                        1 Reply
                        • [quote]do you do the same when a Christian does something because of his faith?[/quote] Yes.

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                        • Edited by Engrapadora : 2/25/2015 7:50:59 PM
                          Fun fact: Even if the majority of them do not directly engage in terrorist acts, the vast majority DO support the horrific human rights abuses recommended by the Quran (stoning, cutting off of hands, etc.) including carrying these things out for the crime of blasphemy. Are the majority of them dedicating their lives to destroying civilization? No. But they do choose to live and to treat others like animals (and not in the good type of animal treatment that I advocate).

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                          13 Replies
                          • Edited by KiNg_george19: 2/25/2015 2:18:39 PM
                            Its not just ISIS. The Muslim religion itself promotes violence. Maybe not all Muslims, but the Muslim religion in itself is pretty evil.

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                            37 Replies
                            • Edited by IWearClothes: 2/25/2015 12:13:13 PM
                              [i]Many[/i] Muslims are evil. [i]Many[/i] Muslims believe in death for apostasy and Sharia as the law of the land. Even if it's a minority, it's still [i]many.[/i]

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                              12 Replies
                              • [quote]The estimated number of terrorists in the world (all numbers were pulled from the 2012 State Department report on terror and all numbers were round up very generously, feel free to do the same for the 2013 terror report: is 184,000 the data came out before ISIS so we'll add 30,000. 214,000/1,600,000,000=0.00013375 0.00013375x100=0.013375%[/quote] Does that include the American military and the American government?

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